
Hi! My name is Emanie Maitland and I am an electrical engineering major. This portfolio details the work I have done for my ENG 1101 online class. There are three major units to this portfolio. Unit 1 is my educational narrative where I wrote about an event that has impacted the way I view education.  Unit 2 is my annotated bibliography where I researched the pros and cons of euthanasia and presented them in annotated bibliography form. For unit 3 I was given the opportunity to write in a new genre to present my findings from my annotated bibliography and I choose to present my finding in a pamphlet that is intended for terminally ill patients. This portfolio will also contain an artist statement describing what I intend to do by making a pamphlet, it will include a reflection about how I have grown over the course of this semester and I will be responding to a post in a ‘time capsule’ that I wrote in the beginning of the semsester

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