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Amazing about this topic (RS)

The most amazing about my topic is that I am very passionate about food in general. I love to search about different kind of food. however, for this paper I wanted to find something about food and nature. Most of the people consume seafood as a part of their daily meals, so people should be inform about the consequences of contamination the water.

Research Seminar class!

I have changed my topic for water pollution (fish). I am looking for a lot of sources about this amazing topic that it is affecting us nowadays. Most of the countries are going thru this problem, but specially the main ones China and United States which I will talk more in my paper about the pros for our health.

it is important for us to be well educated about water pollution (fish) in our country because this main issue has been causing the death of many people and specially is provoking the death of our beautiful nature.



Facebook bows to marketer pressure as it changes viewability metrics

Advertisers will soon have the option to pay for an ad on Facebook only if it is 100% viewable as the social network bows to concern from brands over how much of their ads are currently seen by consumers.


on 17 Sep 2015

Very interesting article!!!!

Hospitality Marketing

I have a class of hospitality marketing on Tuesday night, this class is very interesting because we will learn a lot about marketing in general. in the first class we were talking about our passion in hospitality management.

after that, we were having a group of 3 so we could discuss about our passion in more details. this was very interesting because I learned a lot from my two classmates. they have my own passion about cooking and traveling, both of them want to become a chef in certain way. also, we have to start a personal branding and I am looking forward to create my own.

Thank you,