Job Application for Nilda Correa, Fall 2014

This is my job application portfolio.  My career objective is the become a production manager. I’m good at it.  My brothers worked in the print industry and tought me things that, at the time, I didn’t care about.  My curiosity grew as I got older and I found out that this was what I wanted to do with my life.  People do light up when they can touch what they only imagined.  Things that represent them, their talents, their business.

richard gabriel chapter 6 memo

Richard Gabriel
Chapter 6 memo

Chapter 6 of this book covered Conducting reader centered research , in other words putting together
good research material. The chapter talked about how to get info you and the reader might need, checking that info for how useful it is, how to show the reader that info is a good, and how to show the reader to benefit. I feel this will be good for essays  especially presentions  using this method you can gather good info for everyone at your presentation can see the value of you are saying.

Project 2 Pitches

Have one member of your team submit links to your Google Drive files as a comment to this post. You should include a link to your presentation file and a link to your presentation script/outline. To generate your links, remember to open each document on Google Drive in the editor (Document or Presentation respectively), and click File > Publish to the Web > copy the link generated. Only one person from your team needs to post your files, because your team documents should have all team members’ names on them and you should have worked on them collaboratively.

Job Application Portfolio for Khalil Joseph, Fall 2014.

This Job Application Portfolio shows my skills and experience. Please see attached  sections that provides detailed information as related to my job inquiries. My goal is to find a position within Sales that will utilize my experience and willingness to learn new tasks that will benefit the corporation.

Job letter
Job report

Ecperience Resume

Skills resume


This Job Application Portfolio shows my skills and experience. Please see attached each section which provides detailed information as it relates to my job inquiries.  My goal is to find a position within the legal profession that will utilize my experience and willingness to learn new tasks that will benefit the corporation as a whole.

Job Ad Research Memo – Final

Job Application Letter – Final

Skills Resume – Final

Experience Resume – Final



ob Application Portfolio for Mensah Ekue , Fall 2014

Introduction: This is my job Application Portfolio displaying  my electrical engineer assistant job application letter,  a cover letter for the application ,my experience, skills and education’s resumes that comply with the position that i am applying for.  As a current undergraduate  telecom engineer student at New York City College of Technology, I wish  to obtain a job in the near future as a Electrical engineer with Turner Construction Company. My passion for engineering push me to  apply at Tunrer Construction Company, a company which values i shared.


Job Research Report


Job Cover Letter final

EXperience Resume FInal


Skills Resume Final


Mock Interview Memo