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Job Application Portfolio for Mohammed S Akhtar, Fall 2014

This Job application portfolio consists  of my Experiential and Skills based resume. It also include a cover letter implementing on the job I chose which was  T-Mobile  for the research memo. My goal is to complete my Bachelor in telecommunication engineering degree and have a stable job  with T-Mobile .

Job Application 

Job letter

Exp Resume

Skill Resume

Job Application Portfolio for Yevheniy Matveychuk, Fall 2014

This is a job portfolio with a focus on acquiring an IT position with the FDNY. I hope to use my knowledge and experience that I acquired to help FDNY achieve their mission objectives. I am a Senior at New York City College of Technology. I am completing my degree in Telecommunications Engineering Technology.

Job Report

Job Letter

Resume (Experience)

Resume (Skills)

Job Application Portfolio for Kanstantsin Yanchanka, Fall 2014

          This job application portfolio represents my preparedness for a substation engineer position at the Metro-North Railroad. The portfolio is designed in such a way as to, at first, show my knowledge of the company’s background and then convince the employer that I am the best candidate for this position based on my education and job experience. The reasons why I have chosen this position are the company’s desire to innovate and its ability to adapt to ever-changing world. Therefore, by getting a job as a substation engineer, I will have the opportunity to work in a team with specialists in my field which will give me a chance to be an innovator of the future.

Research Report

Job Application Letter

Skills-Based Resume

Experience-Based Resume

Job Application Portfolio for Robert Plummer, Fall 2014


This portfolio is a compilation of former work experience and education, and a structuring point for future job applications. With this, I hope to obtain a career in an Engineering or Technical field, one that utilizes the latest technological advancements in a productive manner. I love to learn and make new discoveries, and use this gained knowledge to solve problems and gain new perspectives, so a career that involves heavy and continuous changes and adaptations is ideal for my pursuits.


Research Report of Job and Company


Job Application Letter


Resume (Skills)


Resume (Experience)

Project 1, Peer Review of Skills-Based Resume

Like in your previous peer review session, I would like you to write a memo summarizing the feedback that you received and your plan for revision.

Before our next class, write a comment on this blog post in memo format (address it to me and your teammates–using full names) that summarizes the feedback that you received (giving credit to your teammates who made the suggestions) and describes what changes you will make to your resume draft for the final draft. You do not have to do everything that your team has recommended, but you should make reasoned choices based on their feedback and your own ideas as you improve this resume draft.

Project 1, Peer Review of Experience-Based Resume

During today’s class, you will get into teams of approximately 4 people.

Exchange copies of your resume with one another.

When you read other people’s resumes, makes notes on their resume about how YOU would make it better. Are there typos? How would you organize the information better? Are all of the verbs in the same tense? Are there more action verbs than descriptive adjectives and adverbs? Are there specifics that would make their experiences more interesting, engaging, and useful?

After you complete reviewing all resumes as a team, take turns asking for oral feedback from your teammates that you will take notes on. From reading one another’s resumes and talking about what recommendations you make, you should take this as an opportunity to learn from one another’s resumes, too.

Before our next class, write a comment on this blog post in memo format (address it to me and your teammates–using full names) that summarizes the feedback that you received (giving credit to your teammates who made the suggestions) and describes what changes you will make to your resume draft for the final draft. You do not have to do everything that your team has recommended, but you should make reasoned choices based on their feedback and your own ideas as you improve this resume draft.

Also, before our next class, create a skills-based resume and bring three copies to Monday’s class. There will be a lot of overlap between the two resumes, but as you will see, the way information is presented will be different. This raises issues of usability and audience needs. It also is a useful tool for thinking through your abilities and how to communicate those abilities to a potential employer. I would not be surprised if by making a skills-based resume that you get ideas about how to improve your experience-based resume.

Introducing Project 1: Getting a Job and Communicating in the Workplace


For your convenience, I have copy-and-pasted the text of the Project 1 assignment sheet below. However, you should download and print this PDF of this assignment for your notebook: ellis-jason-eng3771-project-1.



In Unit 1: Getting a Job and Communicating in the Workplace, you will create a portfolio of job-search documents and experience a mock interview. We will use the revision process (drafting, reviewing, and revising) to improve your deliverables. For those students who engage in this process wholeheartedly, you will generate a portfolio of job-search documents that are ready for use with appropriate tailoring and revision for the specific jobs for which you apply.



Project Deliverables


  • An experiential resume
  • A skills resume
  • A job ad research memo
  • A job application letter
  • A job application portfolio
  • A mock interview reflection memo


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