Author Archives: rplum

Team Project: Navigational Map for City Tech

Team Group: #4

Members: Nilda Correa, Jose Estrada, Aaron Munoz, Robert Plummer

Tasks: Pitch, Proposal, Deliverable, Presentation


This post is an overview of our task of proposing an improved navigational system for City Tech, and the steps we have taken to do so. This includes all of the documents, visual aids, and deliverables that were used. All documents referenced here can be downloaded from a direct link at the end of this post.



The purpose of the Pitch was to bring awareness to the need of a form of technical communications that could be beneficial to City Tech and its members. There were several possible needs to address, and we have felt that using a distributable map as a better navigational system has the greatest ratio of benefits/effectiveness to cost. In this Pitch, we prepare a presentation to give a basic overview of the necessity of a map.


Pitch Presentation Slides:



Following our Pitch, we needed to gather more details in order to propose the precise requirements of implementing a map for a navigational system. This included reviewing the overall benefits of using a map, gauging the need for a map by its intended users (the students and visitors of City Tech), and the projected costs of implementing it. This proposal includes a formal report that addresses all of this, plus a survey that we have used to gather necessary data.


City Tech Survey #1 (Demand)

*Note: The attached survey is only a placeholder and contains no data used for the proposal. The survey was provided to students in-person. All relevant data is contained in the Proposal Report and the Deliverable Presentation*


Proposal Report



With the proposal set, it was time to create the deliverable map to be used for technical communications. A prototype map of a sample floor was created, tested using feedback from another survey, and then re-purposed into a final form.


Project Deliverable (Sample Map, Final)

map design 11th fl_v2


City Tech Survey #2 (Testing)

*Note: The attached survey is only a placeholder and contains no data used for the proposal. The survey was provided to students in-person. All relevant data is contained in the Deliverable Presentation.*



With all components of the deliverable completed, the Presentation  and Script is a review of all of the work done so far, confirming all of the work done throughout this project. This also presents validation for the City Tech administration, should they consider officially implementing the deliverable. Progress reports and meeting minute logs are also provided in this post, showing all of the steps that have been done to complete this project.


Deliverable Presentation Slides

Presentation Script


Progress Report


Meeting Minutes




All of the above documents can be directly accessed here:

Project 2 Collaborative Folder


Job Application Portfolio for Robert Plummer, Fall 2014


This portfolio is a compilation of former work experience and education, and a structuring point for future job applications. With this, I hope to obtain a career in an Engineering or Technical field, one that utilizes the latest technological advancements in a productive manner. I love to learn and make new discoveries, and use this gained knowledge to solve problems and gain new perspectives, so a career that involves heavy and continuous changes and adaptations is ideal for my pursuits.


Research Report of Job and Company


Job Application Letter


Resume (Skills)


Resume (Experience)