Author Archives: Jason W. Ellis

Introducing Project 1: Getting a Job and Communicating in the Workplace


For your convenience, I have copy-and-pasted the text of the Project 1 assignment sheet below. However, you should download and print this PDF of this assignment for your notebook: ellis-jason-eng3771-project-1.



In Unit 1: Getting a Job and Communicating in the Workplace, you will create a portfolio of job-search documents and experience a mock interview. We will use the revision process (drafting, reviewing, and revising) to improve your deliverables. For those students who engage in this process wholeheartedly, you will generate a portfolio of job-search documents that are ready for use with appropriate tailoring and revision for the specific jobs for which you apply.



Project Deliverables


  • An experiential resume
  • A skills resume
  • A job ad research memo
  • A job application letter
  • A job application portfolio
  • A mock interview reflection memo


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