My name is Adeola Gbamuse and here is my job application portfolio. In this document we have both an experiential and skills based resume along with a job application letter (cover letter) to spark your interest. my goal is to join your team and work along side the company to achieve our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly task. I will be graduating from college (New York City College of Technology) in May of next year (2015) completing my Bachelors degree in paralegal studies.
Gbamuse Adeola Cover Letter
Gbamuse Adeola Exp Resume
Gbamuse Adeola Skills Resume
Gbamuse Adeola MEMO
Gbamuse Adeola Research
[gdoc link=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UA696VFS4zxzXPTMdNTu9MMVxxwY7gy_JLrC_G8bpjQ/pub