Monthly Archives: October 2014

TC Chapter 17: Revising Your Drafts

During the first ten minutes of class today, write a summary of your reading from Paul Anderson’s Technical Communication: Chapter 17, Revising Your Drafts. You have already been using some of his suggestions in your work on Project 1. In addition to your summary, consider these questions: How might you put revision practices into action in your other classes at City Tech? How might you put revision practices into action in the workplace?

TC Chapter 8: Drafting Reader-Centered Paragraphs, Sections, and Chapters

During the first ten minutes of today’s class, write a summary of Anderson’s TC Chapter 8: Drafting Reader-Centered Paragraphs, Sections, and Chapters. Think about how these things relate to the usefulness-focus of workplace communication. As with your previous writings, you should format this as a memo. One thing that I have noticed few people doing is that your memo should begin with the word “Memo” or “Memorandum” at the top of the page (normally this is centered  but in a comment box you cannot add that kind of formatting, which is okay). Then, you give your from, to, subject, date block followed by your summary.