Mahir’s Expanded Definition of Cloud Computing

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Mahir Faisal

DATE: March 26th ,2021

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Cloud Computing


The Purpose of 750-1000 Word Expanded Definition project is to show the readers about the use cases of a specific term in different contexts and quotes. The term I have selected for my 750-1000 word expanded definition project is “Cloud Computing”. I am going to discuss the term in my own words by comparing the term with the definitions and contextual sentences I have included on this document. In the following document, I discussed several definitions of the term, I compared several contextual uses of the term and finally I wrote my own working definition of the term.


“An approach to computing in which the end user connects to a remote network of computers (the cloud) to run programs, store data, etc. This enables users to access large amounts of data storage and computing power from anywhere in the world without having to own and maintain these resources themselves.” (Oxford University Press,2016)

On my First definition it explains cloud computing infrastructure help users remotely to elastically run programs, databases and provide storage options to secure the data. In addition, users have access to the system anytime without the necessity of maintaining a whole data centers and servers. On the second definition, the concept of cloud computing is similar. For example- Cloud Services has five characteristics which defines the availability and compatibility of the resources and gives the privilege to interact with the services.

“According to National Institute of Science and Technology the definition of cloud computing outlines five key cloud characteristics: on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service.” (Derrick et al.,2014)

On this definition the author gives solid definition on cloud computing by providing its five pillars. It means cloud infrastructure provides on demand services, remotely access the network, effective resources, rapidly increase the demand of the instances (Virtual Computers), and measured services. All these services and resources help the users to effectively conduct their applications and programs without the provisioning of the servers or storage. Cloud providers do everything for them if they choose Software as Service model (SaaS). Compare to the First Definition this definition gives the broader picture of cloud infrastructure and its services.


Cloud computing is the main component of the modern widespread paradigm, where resources are shared and globally accessed over the network. This has rendered the Internet a large repository where most of the available resources can be accessed “as a service.”

I have found this contextual sentence on a book called “Security for cloud computing” where this Quote explains cloud resources can be accessed and shared globally as a service. Most users share the data over the network to make it redundant. However, these resources have some limitations to prevent any kind of network attacks. Many companies are migrating to the cloud for better cost optimization and performance efficiency. The similarity between the contextual quotes is cloud computing are providing resources with cost savings, resilient performance, and constant availability of the data.

In cloud computing, a resource provisioning mechanism is required to supply cloud consumers a set of computing resources for processing the jobs and storing the data. Cloud providers can offer cloud consumers two resource provisioning plans, namely short-term on-demand, and long-term reservation plans. (Chai Siri et al.,2012, p. 164)

  I have found this contextual sentence on an article called “Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing”. This quote explains a functional computing requires resource Provisioning which means the selection, deployment, and run-time management of software. Moreover, Hardware provisioning is also required for better performance. Without the provision a service would not function properly, and users cannot compute. To make this work, many users choose short term on demand instances (Virtual computers) to run the programs or batch jobs for schedule system updates, and for long term usage, users choose reserved instances for cheaper cost and effective performance and they can use the instance for 1-3 years.

Working Definition

Based on my analysis and research I can say that cloud computing has made huge impact on organizations. The resources and services help the users to maintain the data and run programs without having the necessity of maintaining the servers and data centers. Thus, Users can choose provisioning plans for better cost optimization and redundant performance.


Rountree, Derrick, and Ileana Castrillo. The Basics of Cloud Computing: Understanding the Fundamentals of Cloud Computing in Theory and Practice, Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2013. ProQuest eBook Central,
Created from citytech-ebooks on 2021-03-06 16:45:51.

Lombardi, Flavio, and Pietro, Roberto Di. Security for Cloud Computing, Artech House, 2015. ProQuestEbook Central,
Created from citytech-ebooks on 2021-03-06 17:53:08.

S. Chaisiri, B. Lee and D. Niyato, “Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing,” in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 164-177, April-June 2012, doi: 10.1109/TSC.2011.7.

Jerry Chen’s Expanded Definition of Authentication

TO: Prof. Ellis
FROM: Jerry Chen
DATE: 3/26/2021
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Authentication


As we all know, we are human and unique, and all of us have our own way to understand and learn, as well as the way we definite something new to us. Somehow, the different ways of how we definite something new usually end up having various types of meaning. The purpose of this document is to explore the definition of the term that I chose and make it easier for others to understand regardless of the ways that we learn differently. The term that I am defining for a better understanding is “authentication”. As to further explore the definition of the term “authentication”, I am going to discuss the general definitions from my research sources follow by the context that the item being used in. I am also provided the working definition of the term and how it related to the network security field.


According to the author (Ince, 2014), “The process of convincing a network that a person is who he or she claims to be. This follows the process of identification. Devices that are used for authentication include passwords, personal identification numbers, smart cards, and biometric identification systems.” This definition generally shows that authentication is a process to identify the identity before allowing admission to access to something, which the secret word or code needs to be correctly matched with the one that set up by the owner previously, otherwise will get declined by the authentication process.

To have a better understanding of the term “authentication”, the following definition also provided a better sense of what authentication is. According to the authors (Butterfield et al., 2016), “A process by which subjects, normal users, establish their identity to a system. This may be effected by the use of a password or possession of a physical device, e.g. a coded token. In reverse authentication, the object is required to authenticate to the subject, e.g. to establish user confidence regarding the object, before sensitive information is entered into a system.” This definition illustrates that authentication is the process by which the users have to provide the exact credentials they set up previously before they can gain access to their information. The purpose of setting up the credentials is to protect unauthorized access to their information in which needs authentication method get involve to makes it fully effective.

In the book “What is authentication?” by Rosencrance (2018). “Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it declares itself to be. Authentication technology provides access control for systems by checking to see if a user’s credentials match the credentials in a database of authorized users or in a data authentication server.” This definition also defines as authentication is the process to identify the identity by asking the users to enter the secure secret word or codes that they set up beforehand. All of these definitions are way similar as they are all defined as authentication is the process to identify the identity by obtaining the right credentials and acknowledged the request if the credentials are matched with the information stored in the cloud or database.


Authentication is widely used in the network security field as it can control who can have access to the credential information within the company in which sort by the role assigned by the one who has that authority. According to the article “Implementation of an Advanced authentication method within Microsoft Active DIRECTORY network services” (Kadlec et al., 2010), “Authentication is the process by which end users identify themselves to a network and customized access capabilities are given based on the role they serve in the organization.” This quote describes the term authentication as best used in the network field. Every organization has its own policy and ranking. Every ranking has its own authority to access certain levels of credential information of the company, where authentication is used in place to identify the accessibility of the employees.

There is another source of reference found to aid in providing more details of the term used in the field. According to Grimes (2019), “The primary reason for authentication is to confirm a subject’s ability to access protected resources (e.g., security domains, files, folders, sites, services). The process determines whether the subject is who they say they are and whether they can prove it.” This quote provided more details to support the previous quote, which proved that the use of authentication in the field is to identify the accessibility of each person who claims to have access to something.

Working Definition

As I am majoring in Computer System and track in networking security, the term authentication is like nothing new to me. I am familiar with this term because it plays a huge role in the networking field. Based on the discussion of the definitions and context of the term used listed above, we can conclude that the main definition of the term authentication is the process to validate the identity. Network administrators always use the authentication method to ensure the safety of the software or systems by validating the users who try to login in by the credentials they enter. Authentication can also definite as simply as the way we unlock our phones, we must enter the right passwords before it allows us to have access to our phones.


Ince, D. (2019). A Dictionary of the Internet (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Butterfield, A., Ngondi, G. E., & Kerr, A. (2016). A Dictionary of Computer Science (7 ed.). Oxford University Press.

Rosencrance, L. (2018, May 29). What is authentication? Retrieved March 05, 2021, from

Kadlec, J., Jaros, D., & Kuchta, R. (2010). Implementation of an Advanced authentication method within Microsoft Active DIRECTORY network services. 2010 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications. http://doi:10.1109/icwmc.2010.48

Grimes, R. A. (2020). Hacking Multifactor Authentication. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Mateo Avila’s Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Mateo Avila

DATE: 3/17/2021

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)


The purpose of this document is to provide an Expanded Definition that shows general understanding and use of the following term. The term that I am defining is Virtual Private Network (VPN). This provides an introduction for College Undergraduates that are studying Computer Networking and Security. I am discussing the way it is defined and the way it is used in context by providing several quoted definitions and several quoted sentences that use Virtual Private Network (VPN) in the context. Definitions, context, and finally my working definition will be provided in the order that it was mentioned.


The definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN) according to Encyclopedia of Small Business “Virtual private network (VPNS) are systems that use public networks to carry private information and maintain privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures.” (Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2018) Meaning that public connectivity between people, companies, organizations, etc. are kept secure through tunneling protocol which is basically encapsulation of packets. Providing extra layers of security which will be harder to break. This keeps our location as safe.

“A system that uses code to securely access a computer in a different location via the internet. When working from home, you can securely access the office network using the company’s virtual private network” (Oxford, 2021) This definition also provides an example, which is very helpful. According to Oxford, companies use Virtual Private Network to secure their employees with access to the companies working space. This provides security to the Company as well as the employees. This definition is most likely used by people with very little knowledge about technology because it even shows an example to further understand the term.

“A VPN establishes a protected communications link across a public network between the remote computer and the computers physical linked in the local network” (Hoyle, 2018) This definition basically explains the same concept as the Encyclopedia of Small Business. They both mention public network and one uses carrying private information and the other one uses communications links when referring to securely establishing connectivity.


“In fact, F-Secure says that Freedome’s App Security contains the same scanning engine as its Safe Antivirus, meaning with Freedome installed you don’t need an extra antivirus app.” (Paul, 2019) This quote shows how different apps for Virtual Private Network not only secure your location but also it incorporates tools such as antivirus. This shows how apps for Virtual Private Network have evolve thought out the years. This term is used as a security means for personal information and detection of virus. This scenario of Virtual Private Network is intended to target individuals as an audience. It talks about different types of VPNs and tries to advice you on which you should use depending upon your needs.

“A VPN allows an enterprise to interconnect geographically dispersed sites throughout a public network infrastructure. It is likely to be used by customers instead of networks constructed using private lines.” (Lamti, 2000). Meaning that Virtual Private Networks are beneficial to enterprises because it allows secure communication all over the world within their private lines. In this way, customers can securely gain access to what they are looking for and to trust their information such as back accounts.

“The encrypted messages are sent between a few well-defined points, such as a company headquarters and its branch offices, making part of their journey over the Internet.” (Babcock, 1998) This quoted shows how companies were using Virtual Private Network to encrypt messages in order to flow around the Internet to reach to its final destination securely. This quote by Babcock and the quote by Lamti, provides us examples of how enterprises, companies, business, utilize network communication by implementing security procedures and tools to provide a successful and most importantly secure environment for its customers and its data.

“If you do not have a secure connection especially on a public wireless network that anyone could use online intruders could potentially spy on the websites you visit and even steal passwords and other credentials you enter. Using a VPN while connected to any unprotected public access network is generally advised for information safety” (Biersdorfer, 2017) This quote publish in The New York Times related to first quote publish in an online article by Paul. It relates in a sense that both authors talk about personal security for us, instead of talking about company or business like the others two quotes did. Biersdorfer argues that Virtual Private Network is a key in information security when using public wireless network connections.

Working Definition:

Based on the definitions and quoted sentences about Virtual Private Network (VPN), my working definition about this term is the following. Virtual Private Network (VPN) sets public network communications with encryptions and other security steps in order to secure your data and personal information protection throughout the communication time. Virtual Private Network is so relevant because of the different apps and encryptions which are used to ensure our privacy. This technology keeps on innovating and finding new ways to provide security and integrity for network communication.


Babcock, C. (1998). The art of building VPN firewalls. Inter@ctive Week, 5(29), 18.

Biersdorfer, J.D. (2017). Tunneling though the internet on vacation. The New York Times.

Hoyle, B. (2018, June 8th). Computer Hardware Security. Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security.

Lamti, L., & Yacoub, B. (2000). On managing traffic over virtual private network links. Journal of Communications and Networks, 2(2), 138-146.

Leaner’s Dictionaries, O. (2021). Virtual private network. virtual-private-network noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

Paul, I. (2019). 5 Best Vpns for Android. PCWorld, 37(4), 81-86.

Small business, E. (2018, June 8th). Virtual private networks.

Lecture, Week 8

Some reminders for Week 8:

  • Spring Recess is next week, so there is no lecture or assignments next week. Keep working on your Instruction Manual and be prepared for peer review when we return to class on Wed., April 7.
  • I have a meeting time conflict this week during our regular office hour time, so I am accepting appointments for office hours this week. Email me with your availability if you’d like to talk about anything relating to the class.
  • Also, if you have any questions about the class or assignments, don’t hesitate to reach out by email at jellis at

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 8

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, write a memo addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject, “Instruction Manual Challenges and Solutions,” and about 250 words in length. In the body of your memo, discuss challenges that you faced while drafting your instruction manual and explain how you overcame those challenges. The challenges can come from any part of the writing process so far or any aspect of the project. After you’ve drafted your memo some place safe, copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this post on our OpenLab site.

Remember that next week is Spring Recess, so you have two weeks to work on this. It is due Wed., April 7.

Pranta Dutta’s Expanded Definition of Cloud Computing.

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Pranta Dutta

DATE: March 23, 2021

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Cloud Computing


The purpose of this 750-1000 word expanded definition is to elaborate the definition of the term “cloud computing.” The evaluation technology, where an organization may not have to maintain a costly data center to run their day-to-day activities. They can utilize cloud computing to bring the cost down and use the right amount of resources they needed. In this document, I will discuss the definition of cloud computing and how it came to be known as cloud computing. Then I will discuss its context and the working definitions.


The Oxford English Dictionary 1996’s definition defines cloud computing as “The use of networked facilities for the storage and processing of data rather than a user’s local computer, access to data or services typically being via the internet.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary 1996’s definition, cloud computing is something that can be used to access and process data via the internet. Usually, people or any organization save and store their personal or company data in their network facilities. To obtain data from that facilities, users require permissions & they must be under the same network, which can be very costly and time-consuming. In this case, cloud computing can be beneficial. An organization or person does not need to build a data center to store all their data. They can utilize cloud storage, where they can buy as much as spaces they need, & all the data can be accessed via the internet.           

Another definition of cloud computing from Oxford’s 2001 English Dictionary defines cloud computing as “attributive, with the sense ‘relating to or involving cloud computing,’ as cloud provider, cloud service, cloud storage, etc. Cloud computing has many attributes, such as cloud service provider, cloud storage, etc. There are many companies; like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS that occupy large datacenter in numerous places & other people and organizations can utilize those datacenters with a fee. They do not have to think about maintaining it. On the other hand, providers like Amazon, Microsoft, Google generating money by renting their cloud space to others.


“The appeal of cloud computing to a variety of buyers contributes to strong growth. The services provided are flexible and can be tailored to suit start-ups, small to medium-sized businesses, and huge enterprises, meaning that cloud computing has a wide appeal.” (Market Line Industry, 2019). In this context, cloud computing has been used as an opportunity. Buyers of the cloud space contribute to the growth also; they can cut their costs while having access to flexible cloud space. They can increase and reduce the amount of space they need. Many start-ups do not have access to a large amount of capital, to begin with. In that case, they can use cloud computing to operate their day-to-day business.

“A single cloud computing data center includes a data center building, power supply, and cooling as supporting equipment, as well as servers and networking ICT equipment.” (MASTELIC & et al. 47(2)). According to the article Cloud Computing: Survey on Energy Efficiency, to build a data center, the organization needs data center building, power supply, cooling equipment, and servers. If every organization tries to implement one for themselves, then, it would be very inefficient when it comes to energy. As previously mentioned, a datacenter provides a lot more than what an organization requires. Their share in power consumption generates between 1.1% and 1.5% of the total electricity use worldwide and is projected to rise even more. Such alarming numbers demand rethinking the energy efficiency of such infrastructures. Therefore, sharing cloud space is a way to go in terms of affordability and efficiency.

Moving to cloud computing helped three mutual funds beat the S&P 500 in the second quarter. Mutual funds invest in many different companies. DocuSign is one of them. “DocuSign benefited from the migration to cloud-based computing before the coronavirus arrived, Mr. Kass said. Then it enjoyed a boost in the first quarter as many people were forced to work from home.” (Tim, 2020). DocuSign is a cloud-based company that specializes in electronic signatures. Their business took off due to pandemics since many people started working from home. Also, they migrated to cloud-based computing before the pandemic, which gives them another boost in profitably. Most of their employees are working from home, which reduces the cost of office space, electricity, and many more. This shows the effectiveness of cloud computing. It not only helps you save money also increases profitability.

Working Definition

Based on my research, I would define cloud computing as storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. As we move forward, cloud computing will become more and more popular as it promotes minimalism. For example, you might have Microsoft office, excel, notes, etc. installed on your computer. But if you use cloud computing, then you can simply log in to one drive & use all these services without installing them on your computer.


Cloud computing. (1996). In Oxford English Dictionary.

Cloud Computing. (2001). In Oxford English Dictionary.

MarketLine Industry Profile: Cloud Computing in Global. (2019). Cloud Computing Industry Profile: Global, N.PAG.

MASTELIC, T., OLEKSIAK, A., CLAUSSEN, H., BRANDIC, I., PIERSON, J.-M., & VASILAKOS, A. V. (2015). Cloud Computing: Survey on Energy Efficiency. ACM Computing Surveys, 47(2), 33:1-33:36.

Gray, Tim. “Investors Posted Returns So Great They Seemed Wrong.” New York Times, 10 July 2020,

Expanded Definition of Cybersecurity.

TO: Professor Jason Ellis

FROM: Ali Hossain


SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity and Enhancement of Cybersecurity:

This document will explain why and how to enhance cybersecurity. Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security (IT security) is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. With associate degree increasing variety of users, devices and programs within the trendy enterprise, combined with the accumulated deluge of information — a lot of that is sensitive or confidential — the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow. The growing volume and class of cyber attackers and attack techniques compound the matter even further. With AN increasing variety of users, devices and programs within the fashionable enterprise, combined with the exaggerated deluge of knowledge — a lot of that is sensitive or confidential — the importance of cybersecurity continues to grow. The growing volume and class of cyber attackers and attack techniques compound the matter even further. Reducing model complexity, improve prediction accuracy and assess exploitability are the topic that will be explained throughout the document.

“In the last few years, advancement in Artificial Intelligent (AI) such as machine learning and deep learning techniques has been used to improve IoT IDS (Intrusion Detection System).”

Dynamic Feature Selector:

“Dynamic Feature Selector (DFS) uses statistical analysis and feature importance tests to reduce model complexity and improve prediction accuracy.”

Using normal human selection is a lot slower and have higher feature size. Whereas dynamic feature selector is the only way to go. The energetic and intelligent highlights of programming dialects are powerful develops that software engineers regularly say as amazingly valuable. However, the capacity to adjust a program at runtime can be both a boon—in terms of flexibility—, and a curse—in terms of device back. For occasion, utilization of these features hampers the plan of sort frameworks, the precision of inactive investigation tech- neq, or the presentation of optimizations by compilers. In this paper, we perform an observational consider of a expansive Smalltalk codebase—often respected as the poster- child in terms of accessibility of these features—, in arrange to evaluate how much these features are really utilized in hone, whether a few are utilized more than others, and in which sorts of ventures. In expansion, we performed a subjective investigation of a agent test of utilizations of energetic highlights in arrange to reveal  the principal reasons that drive individuals to utilize energetic highlights, and  whether and how these energetic highlight utilized

Necessity of Dynamic Feature Selector

The Internet of Things has a great influence over system which have attracted a lot of cybercriminal to do malicious attack and open an end node to attack continuously. To prevent huge data loss it is crucial to detect infiltration and intruders. Reducin0g model Complexity and improving prediction accuracy can do the work. Machine learning and Deep machine learning are helping the matter of detecting intruder.

“Abstract Machine learning algorithms are becoming very efficient in intrusion detection systems with their real time response and adaptive learning process.”

Statistical analysis and feature importance tests can be used to reduce model complexity and improve prediction accuracy. This is where dynamic feature selector comes to rescue. DFS showed high accuracy and reduce in feature size.

“For NSL-KDD, experiments revealed an increment in accuracy from 99.54% to 99.64% while reducing feature size of one-hot encoded features from 123 to 50. In UNSW-NB15 we observed an increase in accuracy from 90.98% to 92.46% while reducing feature size from 196 to 47.”

It is clear that the new process is much accurate and less feature are required for processing.

Model Complexity, Prediction Accuracy and Exploitability:

In machine learning, model complexity often refers to the number of features or terms included in a given predictive model, as well as whether the chosen model is linear, nonlinear, and so on. It can also refer to the algorithmic learning complexity or computational complexity. Accuracy is defined as the percentage of correct predictions for the test data. It can be calculated easily by dividing the number of correct predictions by the number of total predictions. An exploit is any attack that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in applications, networks, operating systems, or hardware. Exploits usually take the form of software or code that aims to take control of computers or steal network data.


Alazab.A.,& Khraisat.A.(2021), Cybersecurity, A critical review of intrusion detection systems in the internet of things: techniques, deployment strategy, validation strategy, attacks, public datasets and challenges, 4, Article number: 18(2021).

Ahsan.M., Gomes.R., Chowdhury.M.M., & Nygard.K.E.(2021), Enhancing Machine Learning Prediction in Cybersecurity Using Dynamic Feature Selector, J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2021, 1(1), 199-218.

500-Word Summary

To: Prof. Ellis

From: Ali Hossain

Date: 02/20/21

Subject: 500-Word Summary of Article About Security in social networking services

“Security in social networking services: A value focused thinking exploration in understanding user’s privacy and security concerns” is an article by Barrett-Maitland, Nadine, Barclay, Corlane published in 2016 identifies various prominent themes in need of more research in the continuous growth of social networking service and cybercrime management. Although most people are pursuing the short-term solution, the author takes a different approach to redefine the concept of social network protection where the privacy and security interests of the consumer play a vital role in the creation of a sustainable social network. Social networking is a set of rules and configurations designed to preserve the integrity, confidentiality and usability of all software and hardware technologies for computer networks and data. Any enterprise, regardless of size, sector or infrastructure, needs a degree of network protection solutions in place to protect it from the ever-growing environment of cyber threats in the wild today. In other words, the author aims to make it clear to individuals that network protection is the safeguard against hacking, misuse, and unauthorized system modification of access to files and directories on a computer network. It is a degree of confidence that all machines in a network operate optimally and that the users of these machines retain only the rights given to them. Considering the economic and moral components of an equation, the authors conclude that with the growth of wide open networks, security risks have increased dramatically in the past 20 years. Hackers have discovered more network vulnerabilities, and since you can now download apps that require little to no hacking knowledge to be introduced, apps designed to troubleshoot and maintain and optimize networks can be maliciously used in the wrong hands. The author walks an extra mile to explain how the safety and dignity of the social networking system, security controls, corporate social responsibility and personal obligations are central to optimizing the security and privacy of users by evaluating various networking systems. Security protection for networks is different for different types of situations. A home or small office may only require basic security, whereas large organizations may need high-maintenance and specialized software and hardware to prevent hacking and spamming from malicious attacks. Corporations also use software to conduct network security verifications to reduce vulnerability to malicious attacks from external network threats to the network. To prevent seeing ones organization in an irreversible damage position, it is vital to analyze ones network thoroughly and ensure it is free from security breaches. Three different controls usually consist of network

security: physical, technological and administrative. Physical protection measures are designed to discourage unauthorized personnel from getting physical access to network components such as routers, cabling cupboards, etc. Managed access, such as locks, biometric authentication and other devices, is essential in every organization. Data stored on the network or in transit through, into, or out of the network is covered by technical security controls. Safety is twofold: it must protect data and systems from unauthorized workers, and it must also protect staff from malicious activities. Security policies and procedures that regulate user actions consist of administrative security measures, including how users are authenticated, their access level, and even how IT staff members make adjustments to the infrastructure.


Barrett-maitland, Nadine, Barclay, Corlane, (2016), Security in social networking services, Digital object identifier.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 7

You might find it beneficial to reflect on your experiences with a given type of document–including those you have made and those made by others that you have used. Let’s do this with instructions.

After watching this week’s lecture, I would like you to write a brief memo of at least 250 words reflecting on instructions. There are two main things that I would like you to respond to in your reflection: (1) Discuss a good set of instructions that you’ve used before, (2) Discuss a bad set of instructions that you’ve used before, and (3) Write some ideas that you have about how to make technical instructions useful and engaging.

When you have completed your memo, copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this post on our OpenLab Course Site.