Remember to watch this week’s lecture and take notes on it before proceeding with the work described in the posts below, which cover the Expanded Definition project, the Weekly Writing Assignment, and submitting your 500-Word Summary project.
Stop by my office hours on Wednesday from 3:00-5:00pm with your questions, or email me at jellis at
In Week 3’s lecture, we cover: Announcements/Housekeeping, Peer Review for the 500-Word Summary, the 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition Project, and this week’s homework (peer review) and Weekly Writing Assignment (beginning research for the Expanded Definition Project). Remember to watch the entire lecture and make notes before responding to Peer Review or the Weekly Writing Assignment. Also, office hours on Wednesday from 3:00-5:00pm via the link on the syllabus, or you can email me at jellis at with your questions.
Greetings, all! Here’s the lecture for the second week of Technical Writing. In this week’s lecture, I review some points about the class and syllabus, discuss what is technical writing, and show you how to transform your reverse outline into the first draft of your 500-Word Summary project. While you watch this week’s lecture, remember to have your notebook out to write notes. Then, scroll down and complete the Weekly Writing Assignment and 500-Word Summary homework described in the two posts below.
Remember, I will have office hours on Wednesday from 3:00pm-5:00pm (the link to the Google Hangout is at the top of the syllabus). Also, you can email me at jellis at with your questions or to make an appointment to meet with me at another time.
Above you’ll find the first lecture of our Spring 2021 Technical Writing class. It’s important that you watch it in its entirety with a notebook out so that you may make notes and maintain engagement through the activity of note taking.
This week’s lecture is longer than most, because there is a lot of material for us to cover this first week. It includes introductions, syllabus review, writing and studying skills review, and a discussion of the first assignments.
After viewing the lecture, scroll down to see this week’s assignments–the first Weekly Writing Assignment and homework for the first project, the 500-Word Summary.
Stop by my office hours on Wednesday between 3:00-5:00pm or email me with questions at jellis at