Mateo Avila’s Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Mateo Avila

DATE: 3/17/2021

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)


The purpose of this document is to provide an Expanded Definition that shows general understanding and use of the following term. The term that I am defining is Virtual Private Network (VPN). This provides an introduction for College Undergraduates that are studying Computer Networking and Security. I am discussing the way it is defined and the way it is used in context by providing several quoted definitions and several quoted sentences that use Virtual Private Network (VPN) in the context. Definitions, context, and finally my working definition will be provided in the order that it was mentioned.


The definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN) according to Encyclopedia of Small Business “Virtual private network (VPNS) are systems that use public networks to carry private information and maintain privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures.” (Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2018) Meaning that public connectivity between people, companies, organizations, etc. are kept secure through tunneling protocol which is basically encapsulation of packets. Providing extra layers of security which will be harder to break. This keeps our location as safe.

“A system that uses code to securely access a computer in a different location via the internet. When working from home, you can securely access the office network using the company’s virtual private network” (Oxford, 2021) This definition also provides an example, which is very helpful. According to Oxford, companies use Virtual Private Network to secure their employees with access to the companies working space. This provides security to the Company as well as the employees. This definition is most likely used by people with very little knowledge about technology because it even shows an example to further understand the term.

“A VPN establishes a protected communications link across a public network between the remote computer and the computers physical linked in the local network” (Hoyle, 2018) This definition basically explains the same concept as the Encyclopedia of Small Business. They both mention public network and one uses carrying private information and the other one uses communications links when referring to securely establishing connectivity.


“In fact, F-Secure says that Freedome’s App Security contains the same scanning engine as its Safe Antivirus, meaning with Freedome installed you don’t need an extra antivirus app.” (Paul, 2019) This quote shows how different apps for Virtual Private Network not only secure your location but also it incorporates tools such as antivirus. This shows how apps for Virtual Private Network have evolve thought out the years. This term is used as a security means for personal information and detection of virus. This scenario of Virtual Private Network is intended to target individuals as an audience. It talks about different types of VPNs and tries to advice you on which you should use depending upon your needs.

“A VPN allows an enterprise to interconnect geographically dispersed sites throughout a public network infrastructure. It is likely to be used by customers instead of networks constructed using private lines.” (Lamti, 2000). Meaning that Virtual Private Networks are beneficial to enterprises because it allows secure communication all over the world within their private lines. In this way, customers can securely gain access to what they are looking for and to trust their information such as back accounts.

“The encrypted messages are sent between a few well-defined points, such as a company headquarters and its branch offices, making part of their journey over the Internet.” (Babcock, 1998) This quoted shows how companies were using Virtual Private Network to encrypt messages in order to flow around the Internet to reach to its final destination securely. This quote by Babcock and the quote by Lamti, provides us examples of how enterprises, companies, business, utilize network communication by implementing security procedures and tools to provide a successful and most importantly secure environment for its customers and its data.

“If you do not have a secure connection especially on a public wireless network that anyone could use online intruders could potentially spy on the websites you visit and even steal passwords and other credentials you enter. Using a VPN while connected to any unprotected public access network is generally advised for information safety” (Biersdorfer, 2017) This quote publish in The New York Times related to first quote publish in an online article by Paul. It relates in a sense that both authors talk about personal security for us, instead of talking about company or business like the others two quotes did. Biersdorfer argues that Virtual Private Network is a key in information security when using public wireless network connections.

Working Definition:

Based on the definitions and quoted sentences about Virtual Private Network (VPN), my working definition about this term is the following. Virtual Private Network (VPN) sets public network communications with encryptions and other security steps in order to secure your data and personal information protection throughout the communication time. Virtual Private Network is so relevant because of the different apps and encryptions which are used to ensure our privacy. This technology keeps on innovating and finding new ways to provide security and integrity for network communication.


Babcock, C. (1998). The art of building VPN firewalls. Inter@ctive Week, 5(29), 18.

Biersdorfer, J.D. (2017). Tunneling though the internet on vacation. The New York Times.

Hoyle, B. (2018, June 8th). Computer Hardware Security. Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security.

Lamti, L., & Yacoub, B. (2000). On managing traffic over virtual private network links. Journal of Communications and Networks, 2(2), 138-146.

Leaner’s Dictionaries, O. (2021). Virtual private network. virtual-private-network noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

Paul, I. (2019). 5 Best Vpns for Android. PCWorld, 37(4), 81-86.

Small business, E. (2018, June 8th). Virtual private networks.

Summary of Li’s “Study on Security and Prevention Strategies of Computer Network”

To: Prof. Ellis

From: Mateo Avila

Date: 3/3/2021

Subject: 500-Word summary of “Study on Security and Prevention Strategies of Computer Network”

Computer network is expanding in every aspect of people’s lives; therefore, vulnerabilities and privacy are the main concerns. In order to tackle these problems, more research in specific areas is being conducted. Areas such as network management, firewall, encryption, etc. Computer network security refers to the controls on how to protect privacy, integrity, and availability. There are two types of securities which are physical and logical security. Depending upon the individual and organizations, the privacy and data can mean different things. Some just want pure security privacy, others protection. To make plans against different threats/disasters in order to continue with the network communication. Additionally, network security consists of hardware and software that protects data and addresses technical and management issues. Threats include inside people, which are internal threats, employees who leak information intentionally or unintentionally, reconfigure the network, alter or steal data, and more examples of inside threats and destruction. There is also unauthorized user with unauthorized access, such as hackers and/or users navigating unauthorized ways of getting resources. Attacks on integrity which includes manipulating data, denying access to basic operations to users and providing wrong information to end users. Attackers find ways to intercept data such as frequency, length, parameters in order to obtain valuable information which is hard to detect. Attackers can also pretend to be network control, leaders, and other entities so they can access data, use unlimited resources, denial of actual users and obtain and modify key information, passwords, etc. Attackers destroy access to user such as not letting them use daily resources nor operations. Attackers can also repeat itself meaning obtain information and sent it as many times as they want whenever they want. Other kinds of threats are computer virus, network errors, disaster, etc. There are technical protections such as firewalls, constant virus analysis, monitoring, scanning, etc. Technical level includes department of network administrators, technicians and trained users in order to maintain a system of security. In which there will be detecting virus and backing up data on time. There is network access control which is especially important because it ensures for granting access to authorized users. Backup data and recovery is important due to how administrators obtain data after an accident by using different strategies. There is application code technology which is one of the main components of information security. It provides integrity with passwords, encryptions, signatures, and different types of keys. Use antivirus programs and do not download unknown content. Research up to date and better high security operating system in order a safer environment and high performance and do not give a virus any chance. Computer network depends on network protections, security technology, implementations, measurements, laws, and regulation in order to obtain an effective security. To prevent/resists computer’s users from virus, crimes, and hackers. “Users need to be educated and be aware of safety and management institution with continues improvement on technology and laws. According to the author “Never-ending education to users and staff such as code, computer safety principles and to obey rules and regulations to maintain a safe and reliable working environment” (Lin, 2012). Finally, there should be different types of rooms dedicated to different aspects of computer security countermeasures.


Li, F. (2012). Study on Security and Prevention Strategies of Computer Network. International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing (CSIP), 645-647.