500-Word Summary

To: Prof. Ellis

From: Ali Hossain

Date: 02/20/21

Subject: 500-Word Summary of Article About Security in social networking services

Security in social networking services: A value focused thinking exploration in understanding user’s privacy and security concerns” is an article by Barrett-Maitland, Nadine, Barclay, Corlane published in 2016 identifies various prominent themes in need of more research in the continuous growth of social networking service and cybercrime management. Although most people are pursuing the short-term solution, the author takes a different approach to redefine the concept of social network protection where the privacy and security interests of the consumer play a vital role in the creation of a sustainable social network. Social networking is a set of rules and configurations designed to preserve the integrity, confidentiality and usability of all software and hardware technologies for computer networks and data. Any enterprise, regardless of size, sector or infrastructure, needs a degree of network protection solutions in place to protect it from the ever-growing environment of cyber threats in the wild today. In other words, the author aims to make it clear to individuals that network protection is the safeguard against hacking, misuse, and unauthorized system modification of access to files and directories on a computer network. It is a degree of confidence that all machines in a network operate optimally and that the users of these machines retain only the rights given to them. Considering the economic and moral components of an equation, the authors conclude that with the growth of wide open networks, security risks have increased dramatically in the past 20 years. Hackers have discovered more network vulnerabilities, and since you can now download apps that require little to no hacking knowledge to be introduced, apps designed to troubleshoot and maintain and optimize networks can be maliciously used in the wrong hands. The author walks an extra mile to explain how the safety and dignity of the social networking system, security controls, corporate social responsibility and personal obligations are central to optimizing the security and privacy of users by evaluating various networking systems. Security protection for networks is different for different types of situations. A home or small office may only require basic security, whereas large organizations may need high-maintenance and specialized software and hardware to prevent hacking and spamming from malicious attacks. Corporations also use software to conduct network security verifications to reduce vulnerability to malicious attacks from external network threats to the network. To prevent seeing ones organization in an irreversible damage position, it is vital to analyze ones network thoroughly and ensure it is free from security breaches. Three different controls usually consist of network

security: physical, technological and administrative. Physical protection measures are designed to discourage unauthorized personnel from getting physical access to network components such as routers, cabling cupboards, etc. Managed access, such as locks, biometric authentication and other devices, is essential in every organization. Data stored on the network or in transit through, into, or out of the network is covered by technical security controls. Safety is twofold: it must protect data and systems from unauthorized workers, and it must also protect staff from malicious activities. Security policies and procedures that regulate user actions consist of administrative security measures, including how users are authenticated, their access level, and even how IT staff members make adjustments to the infrastructure.


Barrett-maitland, Nadine, Barclay, Corlane, (2016), Security in social networking services, Digital object identifier.

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