Angel Rojas Expanded Definition of Virtualization

TO: Prof. Ellis  

FROM: Angel Rojas  

DATE: 04/11/2021  

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Virtualization


The scientific term I decided to write this expanded definition was Virtualization. I will be discussing virtualization on desktop computers and laptops. The following will define the term in a way that someone who isn’t familiar with the technology can understand and how it can also be used in their everyday life. As this type of technology is now more available to the public, people have yet realized the possibilities that can be produced. Such as being an owner of a company you can use this resource to increase your workflow or minimize cost on resources for your workers.


“Virtualization has been a part of the computing landscape for nearly half a century. In the 1960s and 1970s, IBM developed the Control Program/ Cambridge Monitor System (CP/CMS) which led into VM/370. These systems let each user run what appeared to be an isolated system, but all within one timeshared computing environment.”

When we think about virtualization the term virtual comes to mind. In the field of technology we want to bring out the most we can possible with little hardware in physical space. Throughout the years the technology has advanced that not only enterprise grade hardware was the only ones capable of utilizing the technology but also the consumer market now has a chance to provide the tech. This is due to chips providing more cores allowing more power for the average person as technology and demand increases.

Virtualization can go beyond software as hardware virtualization has been more effective due to advances in technology allowing hardware sharing. Including the huge boost in cloud services this feature has be enabled in many devices as long as its connected to the internet you can have access to many services by different distributors.


            As of the beginning of the year 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic as created a lot of educational struggles for many students of all grades including college. This has lead to the start of remote learning as students couldn’t go physically. However resources had to be shared in some form of being accessible by everyone no matter the current situation. 

 â€śAt present, virtualization and virtualization technology represent a powerful tool for the consolidation and simplification of vast hardware and software structures administration. Their potential is extensive, considering their employment; they are used in numerous branches and fields. It is therefore logical that the issue of virtualization technology is becoming a priority for educational institutions not only in terms of their internal information systems, but also as a means of solving particular educational issues regarding advanced administration and operation of information systems.”

In the article “Virtualization for computer networking skills development in a distance learning environment” this is presented as before the pandemic Virtualization has been proven to be a strong tool for such case, to remotely share resources to people around the world with minimal space as it can be hardware sharing and software sharing through the cloud. Organizations have services established.

“The technology itself is not only a matter of server virtualization (or client workstations), as individual applications may be virtualized as well.”

The quote is from Milan Klement’s article “Models of integration of virtualization in education: Virtualization technology and possibilities of its use in education“ As the article includes details on how what type of virtualization an organization can set up for students and what tools the faculty could expect to use to provide more insight in providing low level IT skills to people who wouldn’t need such advanced tools.

Working Definition

Virtualization is a form of technology enhancement that has been around for decades and has enabled a multitude of features such as software sharing and also hardware sharing, minimizing the amount of physical hardware needed to connect multiple people to a single device.

Sources Cited

Donelan, H., Smith, A., & Wong, P. (2018). Virtualization for computer networking skills development in a distance learning environment. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26(4), 872–883.

Klement, M. (2017). Models of integration of virtualization in education: Virtualization technology and possibilities of its use in education. Computers and Education, 105, 31–43.

Douglis, F., & Krieger, O. (2013). Virtualization. IEEE Internet Computing17(2), 6–9.

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