1500-2000-Word Instructional or Tutorial Manual Phase 3

During today’s class, exchange your instruction manual (printed or online) with one other person in class for a round of user experience (UX) testing.

Carefully read over the instruction or training manual that you receive.

Write a memo addressed to the designer of the manual that is at least 500 words long.

Your memo should include one paragraph responding to these:

  • Summarize what the manual attempts to do in your own words.
  • What works well in the instruction manual? Each statement should be followed by “because” and reasons why.
  • What does not work well? Each statement should be followed by “because” and reasons why.
  • What suggestions can you give the author of the manual to help them complete the assignment and improve it for a good grade?

Email your memo in Word docx format to the author of the manual and carbon copy (cc) Professor Ellis on that email (jellis@citytech.cuny.edu).

You may quote some material from the manual in your memo, but excessive quoting should not be used as a strategy to avoid writing 500 words of your own responses.

Take the feedback offered in the memo to revise your draft manual for the final deliverable due at the beginning of our next class on November 3.

Final revision checklist:

  • Have you met all of the assignment details on this post?
  • Are any screenshots, images, or diagrams of your own making?
  • Have you asked someone to proofread another draft?
  • Have you read your final draft aloud and made appropriate corrections?
  • Are all citations documented and quoted parenthetically cited using APA?
  • Have you used the APA Style Manual for your citations?

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