500-Word Summary Stage 2


During today’s class, you will work on your first draft of your 500-word summary–using the memo format for your document’s header, followed by an APA formatted bibliographic entry, and finally, the body of your document, which includes an abstract of the article (100-200 words) and lengthier summary (300-400 words). The body of your document should be as close to 500 words without going over as possible. Remember, the word count is an important requirement for this document for the reasons given in class.

Before leaving class, you will have the opportunity to print a draft of your summary document. Share this with a neighbor in class and leave comments for one another about the quality of the writing and the successful completion of this document’s requirements (style, layout, purposes, etc.). Take this feedback home and revise your 500-word summary document.

Before our next class, print one copy of your 500-word summary document and print your bibliography of 5 potential articles that you generated in Stage 1 of this assignment. Staple these pages together with your 5 potential article bibliography being the last page and your summary being the first pages of the bundle. Turn this packet of papers in at the beginning of our next class on September 15. Good luck!

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