Extra Credit Options:
On Dec. 6, go to all or some of the sessions at the 2nd Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium. Then, write a 250-word summary of what you heard and learned. Be sure to write down the names of the speakers and write about what each spoke about. You can email this writing to Professor Ellis to receive the additional points.
On October 26, attend this special screening of the film Logan. Sir Patrick Stewart will be in attendance and discuss the film with the audience. Write a 250-word summary of the audience Q&A with Stewart. You can email this writing to Professor Ellis to receive the extra credit. [Thanks: Jessica]
On upcoming dates in October, attend this performance of Frankenstein (the Musical). Afterwards, write a 250-word analysis of how the musical relates to Mary Shelley’s novel. Think about how the performance, its plot, and the added musical elements change or effect your reading of the original novel. [Thanks: Rafaela]
If you hear of other special events in the area relating to Science Fiction, please let me know and I will add them here as extra credit opportunities.