After today’s class, write at least 250 words summarizing your reading and our lecture on Anil Dash’s “The Lost Infrastructure of Social Media.” You can include your own experiences with some of the lost infrastructure that Dash laments in his essay.
Also, I wanted to remind everyone to do a personal, self-assessment of your progress in the class. If you need help with this, please see me during class’ studio time or during my office hours.
First, you can check how many After Class Writing Assignments you have completed by going to the Dashboard > Comments > search for your username. Compare those you’ve completed with the reading schedule on the syllabus. If you’ve missed any, complete them as soon as possible and send an email to Prof. Ellis explaining which assignments you have completed late. Of course, use only your own writing unless properly citing outside sources using APA Style.
Second, if you didn’t receive a full score on your research project proposal, please revise it and give a copy to Prof. Ellis to confirm the revisions (refer to the notes written on your original draft).
Third, you should be reading, taking notes, and beginning your initial writing of your language and technology research project. I would suggest writing an outline similar to the one discussed in class and available on the Project 2 page linked above. You can add to or subtract from your outline as you conduct your research, and you can use the outline to begin your essay–essentially, filling in the blanks. You can improve the style and flow of your essay later. The important thing now is to begin putting words on the page and citing your sources.