Category Archives: Homeworks

Béatrice Coron: Stories cut from paper

Did you think this was a good public talk?

Yes it show the audience how paper can be part of drawing art

What did you like about it?

Portrait images to let the audience see it

Large images made on scrolls

What didn’t you like about it?

The cape

What was its purpose?

To demonstrate how art can influence and motivate a person.




personal connection – audience


visually – pictures, graphs


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when you take or copy someone’s ideas in writing and make it your own without giving credit to the original person.

What is the Citytech policy about academic honesty?

Failing or a reduced grade

Suspension or expelled

Why shouldn’t you plagiarize?

Because you are taking credit for someone hard work without crediting the original person and it is not honest.


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