Author Archives: cliang

BĂ©atrice Coron: Stories cut from paper

Did you think this was a good public talk?

Yes it show the audience how paper can be part of drawing art

What did you like about it?

Portrait images to let the audience see it

Large images made on scrolls

What didn’t you like about it?

The cape

What was its purpose?

To demonstrate how art can influence and motivate a person.




personal connection – audience


visually – pictures, graphs


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when you take or copy someone’s ideas in writing and make it your own without giving credit to the original person.

What is the Citytech policy about academic honesty?

Failing or a reduced grade

Suspension or expelled

Why shouldn’t you plagiarize?

Because you are taking credit for someone hard work without crediting the original person and it is not honest.


Good vs Bad websites is a well designed website which has categories on left side panel and a icon to each to represent each category. You can browse through the website from news, blogs, email, and with color schemes, easy and simple.


Immigration Direct

1. I think the site is good for the English speaker since the layout information is explanatory for people to understand what they need to find and step by step instructions to fill out their information.

2. Some features that make the site navigable are the quick drop down menu for each category and brief description to each category. The user friendly menu which displays “Where Do I Start?” that lets the user to choose options from a section category for immigrants, citizens, and residents. Also the bottom layout which shows a user which application is needed to apply for.

3.Some features I like about the site is that it explains each category and what it needs to be fill out in the forms for renewal or applying for an application and search function of the site to search for an specific category.

4. I think the site needs a language selection for non-English speakers and reviews from customers that used the site for suggestion to others.

5. It was easy once you navigate through the site top category menu to find the Form I-765 by scrolling through each drop down menu for each category or you might want to do a search for the form and it is right below of “Where Do I Start?” I was able to find the I-765 in USCIS Forms and see a description to the form.


The power of steve jobs in the new york times

The article is about Steve Jobs leading the way to changing modern technology in a successful way. He inspired other companies to make technology into a modern day life use like music players and cell phones. Customers were the number one priority where he thought that customers have to be thrilled on having the product. For example, the iPhone of 2007 where he saw a design flaw with the touch screen being made of plastic which allowed too much scratches to the screen and could’ve made customers unhappy. So this led to an overhaul of the design which he changed the design into a glass screen reducing the chances “the chances the glass would crack when an iPhone was dropped.”

Mr. Jobs’s vision included digital books, music and art which can be converted to digital form. His idea and business model for digital media led to a software based on the Apple iTunes store which had digital media like songs, albums, videos, tv shows and games. Customers could make purchases of those digital media through the iTunes store by downloading. The passion of Steve Jobs, “The most important thing that I learned from Steve is to always follow your heart. He believed that the only way to do truly great work is to adore what you are doing.” “They should want to build something, something that lasts.”

New iPhone Conceals Sheer Magic Summaries types

Informative Abstract

The iPhone 4S presents the important essentials in the phone. The purpose of an iPhone 4S is to provide users with the benefits to be delightful of. Features like the faster chip inside the iPhone 4S which allows users to have more speed in performing a lot of task programs at the same time. Another feature is the camera that is much faster and better than the iPhone 4 that allows users to take pictures in a more magnificently and clear in color. The Speech recognition acts a virtual assistant which allows users to create tasks commands for the virtual assistant to remind the user of the task for the day. Such commands are “Wake me at,” “Call,” “Send a message to,” “Give me directions to,” and “Remind me.”

Descriptive Abstract

The four main features of the iPhone 4S would have faster chip, improved camera, different carriers and Speech recognition phone are described and examples of each are provided.

Executive Abstract

The iPhone 4S will have incredible features which can be described as an amazing technology. The first is the Siri feature described as a virtual assistant which allows users to create tasks commands for the virtual assistant to remind the user of the task for the day. Such commands are “Wake me at,” “Call,” “Send a message to,” “Give me directions to,” and “Remind me.” The faster chip inside the iPhone 4S which allowed the user to perform more task programs within the phone.

Troy Davis case articles

Troy Davis case

Title of source: Davis Is Executed in Georgia

Type of publication:

Political affiliations of publication: The New York Times Company owns and is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City

Name of reporter: Kim Severson reported from Jackson, and John Schwartz from New York.

Title of at least one other article written by reporter: Execution Offers Little Closure in Debate

Is this an objective source? Yes

What are some biases you might have to take into consideration about this source? None



Title of source: Troy Davis executed; supporters cry injustice

Type of

Political affiliations of publication:The Gannett Company, Inc. owns and is a national American daily newspaper published by the Gannett Company.

Name of reporter:USA Today created the news publication.

Title of at least one other article written by reporter:Anti-Wall Street protests test left’s determination

Is this an objective source? Yes

What are some biases you might have to take into consideration about this source? writes all different kinds of news and stories based on different states.


Oranges for Apple trade

Oranges have to be peel off and some are not sweet. Apples are sweet, doesn’t need to be peel off and easy to eat. If red is your favorite apple is the choice for you. Apples don’t leave any juicy stains in your hand. Apples can be sliced into many pieces and be share to others that might like a slice.  If you like apple pie then apples are the choice. Nutritious for your health.

Should I accept boss credit or not for a project done by colleague?

I should not be accepting the praise because my colleague did most of the work. Also if I should accept the praise and didn’t give most of the credit to my colleague it shouldn’t be honest work and my colleague wouldn’t get a promotion.

The boss would most likely look on the situation if I should credit most of the work to myself without naming my colleague works most of it. It shouldn’t be fair for me to get a promotion. I go on to sincerely praise my colleague for his work on his account, describe what he did, and then naturally I go on to talk about how teamwork and creativity on his work.