The power of steve jobs in the new york times

The article is about Steve Jobs leading the way to changing modern technology in a successful way. He inspired other companies to make technology into a modern day life use like music players and cell phones. Customers were the number one priority where he thought that customers have to be thrilled on having the product. For example, the iPhone of 2007 where he saw a design flaw with the touch screen being made of plastic which allowed too much scratches to the screen and could’ve made customers unhappy. So this led to an overhaul of the design which he changed the design into a glass screen reducing the chances “the chances the glass would crack when an iPhone was dropped.”

Mr. Jobs’s vision included digital books, music and art which can be converted to digital form. His idea and business model for digital media led to a software based on the Apple iTunes store which had digital media like songs, albums, videos, tv shows and games. Customers could make purchases of those digital media through the iTunes store by downloading. The passion of Steve Jobs, “The most important thing that I learned from Steve is to always follow your heart. He believed that the only way to do truly great work is to adore what you are doing.” “They should want to build something, something that lasts.”

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