
a) My app is a game app. The name is called “Pong Ultra V2” because there’s a beta type which doesn’t include many features. In other words, the beta type is a basic pong game. “Pong” is a very old game, includes a ball, paddle and walls which in this case are the top, left, right parts of the screen. The bottom part of the screen is the “Game Over” part; if the ball did miss the collision with the paddle. There are two levels in total and two different game modes you can play on this app.

The first level is introductory; a score of 10 and increases by 1 for every time the paddle collides with the ball. Similar to all the other levels and game modes, the ball increases as you progress through the level. In level 1, not as much speed increases because it’s to help the user get used to the controls. The controls for this game is to drag the paddle horizontally as the ball moves in many random directions each time you start the game. The second level is a bit more of a challenge to the user. The score increases by 5, in a total of 80. The speed of the ball increases more than the ball in the previous level. Once the user completes level two, the 2 features are unlocked, “Streak” and “Legendary 5”.

With the game mode “Streak”, this is a mode where it sets the user to see how long he or she can go without failing. The score is set to unlimited and of course; the challenging part is that the longer a person goes without messing up, the ball will increase speed. The last game mode is called “Legendary 5”, which is sort of like a bonus level or becoming pro. The user has to score more than 5. The first collision with the paddle will not increase the speed dramatically; it’s designed to get the user ready. But after the first collision, the speed of the ball will increase when the score hits 2. From a score of 3-5, the ball drastically goes fast. Once the user has a score of 5, the user must make one last score to 6 in order to complete the entire game, hence the name “Legendary 5” to show that with all 5 score durations, the user can adapt to the speed. Once the user finishes the game, a new screen will show “You Win!” and is allowed to go through any levels. However, the only bug or glitch this app has is the start/reset button, the ball will head randomly and can go just towards down; making the game easy. The second bug or glitch is when a user completes the game, decides to start again from level 1 all the way through; the game is set up to where they did not complete level 2 yet. So, in order for the user to go any place, they must go to “Streak” game mode or “Legendary 5” game mode and click the levels through there. That way, when a level is clicked, the options of “Streak” and “Legendary 5” is visible, letting the game know the user has completed the game already.

b) I’ve worked cooperatively with Malik Arthur. My partner, Malik Arthur contributed the idea of “Pong”, description, screen and components and blocks editor for the beta app along with the description for final app. I have contributed the screen and components and blocks editor of the final app, video of the final app, screen shots of the final app along with ideas of extra features and levels within the final app.

C) and D) Video Pong       (This video may need to be downloaded..) (I will include some images as well)





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