Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African Americans in the South Bronx

In the essay “From Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African Americans
in the South Bronx” by Mark Naison discusses how a subculture shifts in the South Bronx
through a cultural movement, Hip Hop. Naision uses Chantel’s “Maybe” to demonstrate how
the 1950’s were like. The expression of Hip Hop showed that times were decent and that there
was no struggle in the community of the Bronx. As time shifts towards the 1970’s, the Bronx
becomes a social decay and everything reforms. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five’s “The
Message” conveys his frustration how there is not anymore prosperity in the community.
Nasion argues that Hip Hop’s rise does not have a happy ending because it does not help the
fractured neighborhoods and does not change the condition in the projects.