Summary of Five Minds for the Future

In the essay, ‘Five Minds for the Future’ by Howard Gardner concerns himself with the kinds of minds that people will need if we are to thrive in the world during the eras to come. Also, in the inter-connected world in which the majority of human beings now live we need to identify the kinds of minds that should be developed in the future for the greater good of our society as a whole. The Five Minds for the Future identified by Gardner refer to five characteristics (The Disciplined Mind, The Synthesizing Mind, The Creating Mind, The Respectful Mind and The Ethical Mind) of the mind that Gardner suggests each person should aim to develop. While each person will not be able to develop them all in equal measure, we should aim to develop aspects of them all for the balance of mind needed for the future. Each mind has been important historically, but will become even more crucial in the future. With these minds, a person will be well equipped to deal with what is expected, as well as what cannot be anticipated, in the future. While without these minds, a person will be at the mercy of forces that he or she can’t understand, let alone control.