Learning Self-Analysis for the Nursing Program

Registered nurses play a vital role in today’s healthcare industry. Working as a member of a health care team, the RN provides a wide range of patient services, including preventative and primary care, educating patients about disease prevention, operating medical equipment, and administering medications.In my case,the nursing path had be gratifying and knowledgeable. As a new nurse, I learned self time managing and proper interaction with the patients. As I joined The Bachelor Nursing Program, more leadership skills were developing.I have Learned to Professionally interact with peers, research for updated evidence based practice guidelines, and avoid burnout while working. Some skills I have developed are cultural awareness (which is essential to giving complete, patient-centered care), professionalism, attention to detail, critical thinking, compassion, time management and communication. Through out the nursing process education, I continue to be open to learn and research information that will improved my care to patients and also will make me a better nurse.