Name: Edward Clarke
Title: Registered Professional Nurse
Hello everyone welcome to my eportfolio. Becoming a nurse was an interesting journey and one of the underlying principles that has guided me is that we should always be helpful to each other. Having embraced such philosophy since my youth entry into nursing was a smooth transition for me . Nursing is a profession that requires giving of oneself to others, understanding their cercumstances and doing everything that is possible to restore their dignity and health. Despite the fact that nurses are paid a salary and given that nurses practice in environments that are predominantly business oriented they bring to the work setting that essential humane element that healthcare organizations so desperately need and relies on to a considerable degree for their success. That humane quality that is so essential to our psyche especially when we are unwell and needs someone to care has inspired me to my present path. I also believe that a love for humanity is essential for one to be succesful in nursing and as my journey continues I hope that each day that I elicit a smile, give an encouraging word or participate in saving lives, my clients experience the essence of humanity such that it inspires the desire to be well.