
In my early nursing profession I met an older nurse and she told me I must have a philosophy so when the job loses its challenge and enjoyment you have a driving force. It should also be something you are committed to and never change it. I decided my philosophy had to be something personal, original, and meaningful. I always remembered what my grandmother taught me, she said, “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” When I am caring for my patients I imagine that person in the hospital bed could be my mother or any loved one. Therefore, I treat them with respect, show them care and compassion and provide holistic care. Sometimes a patient may be unhappy because all of their needs may not be satisfied but I would try to advocate for them. Furthermore, I always try to learn from anyone to expand my knowledge base. In class when I read my textbooks and listen to the professors I often ask myself how this knowledge can be applied to my profession. I recognize that there is new knowledge due to research and evidence based practices so I always have to keep up to date with continuing education seminars. This will make me a valuable nurse to others.

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