Learning Self Analysis

I honestly didn’t know what to expect upon entering the baccalaureate-nursing program at NYCCT. Throughout my journey in the program, I’ve learned so much and gained a greater perspective on how to approach certain situations that I may encounter in my work environment and how to manage them effectively and professionally. As an associate degree nurse, my knowledge base was limited in some areas such as nurse management and case management, which were two areas of nursing I interacted with on a daily basis.

I wasn’t fully aware of what a nurse manager and case manager’s position entailed except for glimpse of their duties that I was exposed to.  I’ve learned the ins and outs of those two areas of nursing and have a better understanding and greater appreciation for what they do. What I’ve learned in this program helped to expand my thought process, improve my leadership skills and the way I manage my patients through the continuum of care. My final year in the BSN program taught me how to assess the health and safety needs of the community and what I as a nurse can do to address and improve these needs/concerns through education, advocacy and prevention. Overall, my experiences and education in the BSN program has made me a better nurse and advocate for my patients, and has given me the tools necessary to continue to grow in my practice.