Learning Self-Analysis

Learning Self-Analysis

I believe that I have obtained so much knowledge and experience from the baccalaureate degree program in Nursing. To begin, I am more confident and competent in regards to addressing nursing issues. The classes that I took exposed me to an unsubstantial amount of nursing topics that I was unaware of.   The nursing issues intrigued me so much that I would go to work the next day, and have a discussion with my nursing supervisor about what I learned the previous day. I developed many skills throughout the process that will stay with me forever. Through clinical rotations out in the community, I developed tactics to use in reaching a targeted population. I now know how to research and find evidence base practice approaches to put into practice.  I am no longer apprehensive in approaching a client and rendering my assistance. I learned how to be a motivator, and a great listener. I also learned how to work along with others in a collaborative method. During this program, I experienced working in groups with classmates preparing papers and doing presentation. On a personal level, earning the baccalaureate degree has presented a lot of challenges for me. I had to learn how to incorporate my personal life, my professional life and school all at once. I feel so emotional and proud of my academic achievements. This journey is complete, now is a time to rest, then off to the next goal of obtaining an advanced nursing degree. There is no doubt in my mind that I must continue on to achieve more.  I have never felt as strongly, as I have now that I completed the baccalaureate degree. I want to be involved in the path of changing the profession of nursing for the better. I wish that I could thank everyone I met during my time in this program, because a lesson was learned from each encounter.

In conclusion it is a great program, and I am confident and competent because of it!