Reflection Blog Post: Your Achiever Personae

Achiever personae is when a person is in the top percentage of their peer group. This means that these people rapidly get promotions, some sooner than expected, assigned work with multi-functions or asked to become a leader, tutor or mentor to others. Evidence of an achiever personae is someone who is always progressing in previous work area. They receive recognition for doing work that isn’t expected of them or that is above and beyond what is expected. This person would be considered for rehire by a former boss and can refer other strong people.  This person can be assign tough problems and can work with large and diverse teams. Can present and give proposals to higher mangers. Have receive awards for their work or given the opportunity to get a higher education. A lot of company won’t invest in someone for a higher education if they didn’t think they were worth it.

I believe that I have some what of an achiever personae. Volunteering at my church I began as just someone to help with office work, but when they needed more teachers I was the first to be approach and I was only sixteen at the time. I stop volunteering due to lack of time from work and school, but when I do go to church the director always asks me when I will return. At my first job, which was an sales associate at Call It Spring, I became a cashier in less than six months, I still keep in contact with my store manager and she always willing to refer me for any job. At my last job was at Dylan’s Candy Bar, I began as a sales associate making just about minimum wage. In six months time I received a raise with was a little less than double what I was getting paid before. I was always asked to help new hires and show them how the procedures were done for the registers, making cotton candy and how the fudge station works. I was also ask on many occasions to help out with the café in the store, which wasn’t in my job description. I then received employee of the month and less of a year of me being with the company I was promoted to sales supervisor. I was given more responsibility and became a leader amongst the associates. I continued to help the café but I would do manager duties and became a sit in manager for the café when one of the two café managers were on not in the store or on vacation. I was offered a café supervisor position and then I was offered a higher sales supervisor position but I did deny it because I was focusing in school and then I got hired at my current job with is a draftsman position at Just Architecture. I am making less than I did in at the candy store, but I took the job because it was in my field of study.

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