Author Archives: Edwin


Lab 4 involved python tutorials on codeacademy which began to get confusing and complex but it was nothing trail and error couldn’t solve. Comparators was a simple thing to learn because of my background knowledge with math all you had to learn was pythons way of expressing greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to and equal to. The Six camparators were used to decide whether an equation was true or false. Boolean operators  needed knowledge of the equivalence of expressions such as true and false, false or false and many more mods of and, not and or expressions. Than we learned about conditional statements such as if this happens you will result to that if not we used the else statement and the elif which stands for otherwise. The last part of the tutorial was the pig latin exercise which mix matches words at the end by slicing the first couple letters. Pictures of the steps will be provided down below

Step 2 conditionals

Step 3 conditionals

Step 4

step 6


step 7

STep 9

Step 10


Step 13

Step 16

step 3 pig

Step 4 pig

step 8 pig

step 11





Lab 3 involved us completing the string and console output tutorial as well as the date and time tutorial. We were informed about strings which letters, numbers or symbols. Strings are used to preform specific task. We practiced len() which gives you the length of characters in you string, lower() makes the string lower case and upper() makes the string upper case. We also learned about concatenation which is when strings are combined with a + symbol in between them. Spaces play a big role in concatenation because if they are not used in the correct spots the result would not come out to what you were hoping for. The second part of the tutorial was date and time which was interesting since it gave me the exact time with milliseconds. Throughout the tutorial we learn how to just pick out specific parts of the date and time.

step 16 Strings and console output

step 7

step 2 date and time

step 6 date and time