Final Reflection

English 1121 has challenged my ability and skills. As I thought I was ready for this semester, I was wrong and was lacking in motivation and productivity compared to my last semester. This was my first time being in an asynchronous English class and did not know what to expect, but having discussion comments made it feel like it was a public class online. I felt like I was struggling to keep up the work as I had other problems going on throughout my life. This class helped me realize that I have to keep pushing through even though times maybe be hard sometimes. During this class, I learned how to write a discourse community statement which was something I have never done in my English 1101 class. Although I have done a multimodal project and annotated project, this class helped me advance and get better at it as I still felt challenged throughout these units. Knowing that this class is one of the little pieces of advancing in getting a degree I would like to say that I was grateful for this class and be using what I learn and continue using them throughout my future semester. It was nice meeting you, Prof. Cipriani, and my fellow classmates. :>

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