Individual Strengths

When I first became a registered nurse, I did not understand the large amount of fulfillment that I would experience. Each day I go to work, I feel that I make a difference and positively influence those around me. While working in a medical office with children and adults, I have developed great social skills and assessment techniques that I can use during my practice. Many times, I advocate for clients who have concerns and address their needs as best as I can.

Other strengths that I possess include efficient time management, delegation skills, and critical thinking. For example, the rehabilitation facility that I work in is a fast paced environment. Many times, I have to work efficiently to complete all tasks. Time management has been a skill that I have developed with experience. Another important strength that I have exhibited includes the ability to delegate correctly. Working with other staff has aided the process of delegation and given me the ability to complete my work. During my time at work, there have been various situations that have required extensive amounts of critical thinking. A client’s status may quickly change which requires good critical thinking skills.

After analyzing all of the strengths that I have developed, I have found that I have come a long way since becoming a registered nurse. Work experience has helped me become more confident in my abilities and a sense of pride in what I do. I hope to continue building on my experience and creating positive relationships with my clients.