Learning Self-Analysis

As a nursing student currently enrolled in the Bachelors program in New York City College of Technology, there have been several experiences that have shaped my practice as a registered nurse. While being enrolled in this program, I have found that I’ve developed a broader understanding of what it means to be a health care professional. I have worked with the elderly, children, and adolescents. Being able to reflect on my experiences has helped me analyze my journey.

During my time as a Bachelor’s student, I have developed essential skills that will aid me in my career. While being enrolled in my leadership class, I was able to shadow a nurse manager and attend meetings that discussed various issues that influence client care. I have been able to understand delegation and time management during this course. Another experience that has positively influenced my education, includes working with children. In my community nursing course, I attended a day-care facility where I was able to interact with students and aid in parent education. There was various amounts of teaching such as asthma detection, diabetes, and healthy sleep habits.

The nursing program has helped prepare me for issues that I will be faced with in the community. Being exposed to different individuals from various cultures and socioeconomic situations has broadened my understanding of what it means to be a nurse. I have gained the ability to conduct research on essential issues in nursing and be able to critically discuss these topics with my peers.

As a result, I have developed a well rounded understanding of what nurses are challenged with. This experience has taught me to always put myself in a client’s point of view before addressing topics that may be sensitive. We have to keep in mind that we are nurses for our clients. This means providing the best quality care and putting them first. I have enjoyed my experience in the Bachelor’s program and hope to continue my education further.