My internship part 4

JM Funeral Program

One of the responsibilities as an intern at Women’s Press Collective was to help teach other members learn the tools of the trade to design. I have had a few opportunities to partake in showing others the ropes. However I had a real honor in meeting one of the founding members of Women’s Press Collective. Her name was Diana and she was quite wise, kind and just my luck, a fellow designer. However she was a designer from the days before computers we’re something of a go-to device for design( or at least many young designers). So my task was to help her accomplish her design task while teaching her the basics of the program she using. The goal, make a funeral for someone who is not dead but after a recent stroke for an extremely… seasoned gentleman it’s a nice just in case. The program was InDesign. We actually managed to make a lot of progress in our first meeting and she learned a whole lot. She had alot of old photos, so we did alot of text-wrapping and we focused alot on placement. Overall it was a pretty good experience and I also managed to learn general design tips from Diana, so it was a win-win.

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