Denise H. Sutton, PhD
Department of Business BUF 1101, Mon/Wed 4-5:15pm, Room N1019
Contact: Email: Office Telephone: 718-260-5979 Office Location: 16 Court St, 6th floor Office Hours: Mon/Wed 2-3pm, and by appt.
Introduction to the Fashion Industry (BUF 1101-D010)—3 credits/3 hours
Pre-requisites & Co-requisites: MKT 1210 & MKT 1214
Required Textbook: Dynamics of Fashion (4th edition), Elaine Stone, Fairchild Publishing, 2013.
Course Description/Overview: The course introduces you to the elements of merchandising in the fashion industry. It encompasses the major segments of fashion merchandising: textile mills; designers and manufacturers as well as other producers; auxiliary fashion industries; and retailers. The role of technology and the dynamics of fashion retailing in the age of the Internet is also emphasized. Students will develop an understanding of how the business of fashion has evolved into the fast-paced multimedia global entity that we witness today. Consequently, whenever possible, you will be expected to adopt visual merchandising technologies and multimedia techniques for your activities in this course. Aspects of 21st century marketing are integral to an understanding of this subject.
Learning Objectives – Course Specific:
- Understand the major segments of the fashion industry, including textile mills; designers and manufacturers as well as other producers; auxiliary fashion industries; and retailers.
- Develop an overview of the fashion merchandising process from the raw materials through production and distribution and (into the final phase) the product created for the end user or consumer.
- Describe the role of the designer, fashion editor, fashion show producer, and merchandiser (or retailer) into the entire system.
- Understand the role of technology in 21st century fashion.
- Understand how business as well as social and cultural trends affect the fashion industry.
- Understand the global implications of fashion.
- Develop an overview of the diverse career opportunities available in the fashion industry. Analyze how the process of change (including fashion change) affects and is affected by dress across time and cultures.
Learning Objectives – General Education:
- Foster an inquisitive mind that includes perspective taking and the ability to see relations in context.
- Locate, interpret, and critically analyze appropriate resources.
- Derive solutions through processes of communication and negotiation.
- Understand and evaluate value/moral systems in a social structural context that are part of organization, institutions, and cultures.
Student Learning Outcomes – Course Specific:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the primary, secondary, and ancillary levels of the fashion industry and the use of Quick Response in these areas.
- Evaluate the interrelationship between the domestic and international fashion markets and their significance to the fashion industry.
- Develop knowledge of fibers, yarns, cloth construction, finishes and textile terminology necessary to determine quality of fabrics.
- Illustrate the importance of studying consumer behavior and its impact on merchandising strategies.
- Distinguish the relationship between fashion forecasting and the design and development of collections, lines and private label merchandise.
- Outline the various career opportunities in the fashion industry.
Student Learning Outcomes – General Education:
- Effectively communicate ideas in written, oral, visual, and mathematical forms using appropriate technology.
- Develop critical thinking skills that move freely between core business principles and industry specific objectives.
- Develop professional level skills in the areas of comprehensive reading, writing and analytical skills.
- Writing Related Goals-1) Learn how to conduct research using databases and 2) develop the ability to describe and analyze an ethical problem and suggest possible solutions (final research paper assignment).
CUNY’s Academic Integrity Policy: Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension, or expulsion. Cheating is the unauthorized use or attempted use of material, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise. Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writings as your own. The following are some examples of plagiarism, but by no means is it an exhaustive list: Internet Plagiarism includes submitting downloaded term papers or parts of term papers, paraphrasing or copying information from the Internet without citing the source, and “cutting and pasting” from various sources without proper attribution.
For a more detailed explanation, you can find the full Academic Integrity Policy here:
Grading Policy:
The final term grade will be based on the following criteria:
- Fashion Diversity research paper 25%
- Class participation 25% (includes homework assignments and in-class work)
- Midterm 25%
- Quizzes 25% (six quizzes will be given, with the lowest score dropped)
Students are expected to participate in each class. Please read the college catalog statement on Attendance and Lateness (Spring 2019, p. 29).
Absence/lateness will affect your participation grade. Note: 25% of your grade is based on in-class participation and homework.
Grading System: All grades will be based in proportion to the following scale:
A = 93-100
A- = 90-92.9
B+ = 87-89.9
B = 83-86.9
B- = 80-82.9
C+ = 77-79.9
C = 70-76.9
D = 60-69.9
F = 59.9 and below
Assessment Methods: Quizzes, Fashion Diversity Research Paper, Midterm, Class Participation.
Course Technology/Resources: Blackboard, textbook website, OWL
Blackboard: As a City Tech student, it is necessary to become familiar with Blackboard, the online instructional software. In order to learn more about Blackboard, visit the City Tech web support team in room G600 or call 718.254.8565 to find out about workshops for students. You may also visit, (use link below), for a Beginner’s Guide to Blackboard.
The best thing is to go to G600 and sign up for a workshop on how to use Blackboard. Important: Be sure to register at the CUNY Portal if you need a CUNY Portal ID to access Blackboard and other online resources. Go to, click on: “Portal Log in”, then click on “Create a new account”, then follow instructions.
O.W.L.: When you want to review references on how to write, the Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a good resource on writing almost anything. It is maintained by Purdue University. Use it often! http://owl.english.pu
Students are expected to contribute to the class learning experience by participating in general class discussions. This will require reading the assignments in advance and then actively participating during the class session. Participation also includes asking questions or asking for clarification on course material or assignments!
Students are required to take in-class quizzes, write a fashion diversity research paper (to be discussed in class), and complete the midterm exam.
Class Schedule:
Week One:
Jan 28/Mon Welcome! Review syllabus
Jan 30/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 1 “A Century of Fashion” from Dynamics of Fashion (DOF),
*assignment due (tignon head wrap)
Week Two:
Feb 4/Mon Continue to discuss CH 1
Feb 6/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 2 “The Nature of Fashion”
Week Three:
Feb 11/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 3 “The Environment of Fashion”
Feb 13/Wed QUIZ (CH 1, 2, 3), Be prepared to discuss CH 4 “The Movement of Fashion”
Week Four:
Feb 18/Mon No Class-College Closed
Feb 20/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 5 “The Business of Fashion” *assignment due (interviews)
Week Five:
Feb 25/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 6 “Textiles: Fibers and Fabrics”
Feb 27/Wed QUIZ (CH 4, 5, 6) Be prepared to discuss CH 7 “Leather and Fur”
*Discuss research paper assignment
Week Six:
March 4/Mon Library Research Session
March 6/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 8 “Product Development”
Week Seven:
March 11/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 9 “Women’s Apparel”
March 13/Wed QUIZ (CH 7, 8, 9) Be prepared to discuss CH 10 “Men’s Apparel”
*Topic for research paper due
Week Eight:
March 18/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 11 “Children’s & Teens’ Apparel”
March 20/Wed Review for Midterm
Week Nine:
March 25/Mon Midterm Exam
March 27/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 12 “Innerwear, Bodywear, Legwear”
Week Ten:
April 1/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 13 “Accessories”
*Research paper thesis and sources due
April 3/Wed QUIZ (CH 11, 12, 13) Be prepared to discuss CH 14 “Beauty”
Week Eleven:
April 8/Mon Be prepared to discuss CH 15 “Home Fashions”
April 10/Wed Guest Speaker
Week Twelve:
April 15/Mon QUIZ (14, 15) Be prepared to discuss CH 17 “Global Sourcing & Merchandising”
April 17/Wed Be prepared to discuss CH 18 “Fashion Retailing”
Week Thirteen:
Week Fourteen:
April 29/Mon Film: Fresh Dressed
May 1/Wed QUIZ (CH 17, 18), Be prepared to discuss CH 20 “Fashion Auxiliary Services”
Week Fifteen:
May 6/Mon Presentations
May 8/Wed Presentations
Week Sixteen:
May 13/Mon Presentations
May 15/Wed No Class (Reading Day)
Week Seventeen:
May 20/Mon Presentations
May 22/Wed Presentations, Research Paper DUE (in class)