CST 2801: Special Topics in Information Technology

Wow, what a semester! It went from ‘cool’ to ‘interesting’ , to ‘PLEASE END!!’ But I learned a lot during this semester and possibly some different career paths. Anyways, back to the topic. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to change the way humans consume information. But on a broader scale, we see how super computers(i.e smartphones) are changing the way humans work. This I believe is due to crowdsourcing (via the Internet)where we are able to access and deliver ideas to each other almost simultaneously, enabling us to make important decisions in real-time. The project I worked on for my “Special Topics in Information Technology” class talks just about that. Mobile devices is changing the practice of agriculture, enabling farmers from a low  socioeconomic status to access these technologies to improve their own living standards; thus, improving their quality of life.Agriculture is something to pay attention to because as the world population (humans of course) is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, questions arises as to how we are expected to feed the world sustainably. Below is a link to a PowerPoint Presentation of my Final Project. Enjoy!


CST 2801 Final Project