Proposed Professional Development Workshop

In the future I hope to offer the following two hour professional development workshop:

Mentorship: Connecting the Past, Present and Future.

Mentorship is one of the surest ways to facilitate personal and institutional growth. It prepares the next generation for the critical task of leadership while allowing individuals to build on legacies of knowledge accumulated. Through mentorship, the next generation have access to the human repositories of information in sometimes personal one to one relationships.  In this workshop we will learn what is effective leadership mentorship, the difference between and importance of a coach, a mentor and a sponsor, and look at ways to kick start a leadership mentorship program. We will also explore the effectiveness of reverse mentorship, that is how younger leaders/may mentor experientially and chronologically older leaders. This workshop has special implications for inter generational leadership connections and the building of bridges to the future.

In this workshop we will 

1. learn what is effective leadership mentorship, 

2. the difference between and importance of a coach, a mentor and a sponsor, and 

3. look at ways to kick start a leadership mentorship program. 

4. We will also explore the effectiveness of reverse mentorship, that is how younger leaders/may mentor experientially and chronologically older leaders. 

This workshop has special implications for inter generational leadership connections and the building of bridges to institutional  future.

Richards, R. T. (2024). Mentorship: Connecting the Past, Present and Future. Annual CUNY Professional Development Conference, November 6-7, 2024