The Outlaw. Shariff the Unsullied

Look towards whatever distance that may catch your wandering eye and take notice of all that you see and hear. Flames engulfing the land the sound of metal clashing,grinding, coupled with the screams of the innocent, the pleas of the weak, the death rattle of the fallen. My chevaliers take as they please, revel as they please….and enjoy the sweet succor of absolute freedom to impose their will and might upon the feeble of the land…how? you ask is this nightmare possible? how unchained dogs ravage the realm without a hint of authority?…its quite trivial…they wear MY banner…bare MY mark…raise MY flag….they call me an Outlaw…..but those honored enough to march for me…they call me The Unsullied…for my reach is wide and great… and my hands only need to place direction for my grand sea of fire ants to march.

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