Episode 7: Capstone


For our final episode, the Great Gates will perform their trickiest compositions yet! In theory, logic circuits can be as big as and complicated as we want them to be. But, once again, there is no new information here, just more information for us to keep track of.


We are interested in logic circuits with even more gates! This interactive circuit diagram has 5 inputs: A, B, C, D, and E. It has 3 outputs: X, Y, and Z. Play around with the inputs, changing them from 0 to 1 and back again to see how different combinations of the 5 inputs affects the 3 outputs. You can think about what the truth table for this circuit would look like!

[CircuitVerse embed: https://circuitverse.org/simulator/embed/untitled-987cbec3-b3a3-430c-96b1-3af2bfcbb2e7]


Label each gate by dragging its name on top of the gate.


In this exercise, we’re given a circuit with five inputs, three outputs, and eight logic gates. Think about how big our truth table would have to be… each input can be 0 or 1, so your truth table would have to have $2^5=32$ rows! Luckily, we’re not asked for the full truth table; we’re given the inputs, so we’re really just figuring out one row of the truth table.