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                                                        The Philosophy of Nursing
     The underlining factor of a nurse is to take care of  the  physical, emotional and mental needs of patients. This not only includes administering medications as prescribed, or educating patients on their health. Instead  it also includes advocating for patients and continuing to expand one’s knowledge. Staying current on evidence based practice helps the nurse to provide the best quality and safe care. This can be done  through involvement in research that promotes better ways of performing interventions. Also nurses must remember that when a patient is sick the family is affected. It is therefore imperative to cater for the family because they too experience some sought of loss during the time of patients’ illness. Often, the family is forgotten. Indirectly or directly, it could affect patient recovery since after discharge family members are the ones to take care of patients. As a nurse it is my goal to stay current on my practice through continued education. It is also my goal to provide a family centered care.