Individual Strengths

I know myself very well and I’m considered to be a competent and persistent individual who knows how to develop and maintain professional relationships with fellow nurses, techs, physicians and other disciplines  also with patients and family members. I do consider myself to have inner emotional strength to a certain degree and able to maintain emotion in time of individual loss, anger, grief, life or death situations or depressive situations. Empathy is a very important quality  nurse should possess and I look at myself with my daily interaction and know that I’m empathetic, compassionate and self involved with issues concerning patients and family members.

Organizational skill is very crucial to the nursing profession and I must say that throughout my years of practicing nursing this skill has been improving and I hope to master the art of great/excellent documentation as I further my academic career in nursing. I have managed to be an effective leader and throughout my years of practice I have developed time management skills, delegates task to ancillary staff and supervise task. Leadership happens to be one of my strong qualities because working along side other disciplines  I am called upon frequently to make decision regarding patients plan of care.
Documentation is a very important component of nursing as a whole because nurses need to maintain accurate records for both medical and legal reasons and I do think as time goes by I can master this skill. I have been in varied situations where I had to take charge whether it be advocating for a patient during a code or dedicating duties to ancillary staff.