
My name is Dongmin Lin. I am 18 years old. I am a freshman here at City Tech. I came from China, and Chinese is my first language so I do not have standard pronunciation in English. I hope to improve with the help of the teacher and classmate. This September is the turning point of my life because I went to the college, it is a new environment, I feel unfamiliar to here. Although that I like here a lot. I never ever attend a school that is so far from where I live. I live in flushing, and I barley take the subway, Misdirection often lead to get lost, haha. I like children very much so my career goal is to become a kindergarten teacher, might be an art teacher. I like manual, such as knit scarf, cross-stitch. When I come to a new place I would be very shy, but I sincerely hope that everyone in our class can become good friend.

My avatar is a photo of myself. My best friend took the photo. And it was taken on the way to school during last winter’s morning. This image is very meaningful to me. At the time, I lived with my best friend. My friend and I were in same class together. We nearly spend all our times together. My friend enjoys taking photos for me, and she helped me to record my life. We ate corns for breakfast every morning because we think eating corns can lose weight. But she got married later, she has a new family, and she moved to the home that is so far from where I live .We rarely meet now. I miss her so much. By the way my interest is knitting, so I often go online to learn knitting with my free time. Certainly the blue cap and the wind red scarf were my first timework.

When people look at my avatar they might think I am a very active girl. Actually you really misunderstood. I am very shy and serious when I communicate with someone am not familiar with. Then you might think I like to eat corn. However, that is not what it seems. Actually I do not like to eat corn now. The reason I said this before is because there was a time, I was on my diet, and that’s why am eating corn everyday. You rarely see me make up. But I like makeup. Makeup can make me feel very confident and it makes me feel like am a new person. However, I want to arrive early and be in the morning class, and that’s why you don’t see me with the pretty makeup on.

My profile will convey my character, interest and my goal. You may think it’s very hard to communicate with me. But actually it is not. I want to upload this photo because I was a lively and cheerful girl when you really know me. To be honest I like to make friend, and cherish every friend of mine. You may notice the hat and scarf in my avatar. Yes that is my favorite color, wind red. And the cap and scarf have taken me a long time to weave. I know there will be countless mistakes for I succeed, but I finish finally. So I do not like to easily give up the things I am interesting in, even though it is difficult. But still, I will not lose my passion for advertising design. One of my goal is to graduate within four years. I know if I want to master the skill of English will not be easy. But I believe there will always have pay will have harvest.

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