Farewell, Ramone. :(

Okay, so, there have been some changes here at the Sacatelle office! The perhaps biggest of which was my marketing team supervisor, Ramone, had apparently departed from the company. Details were of course discreet, but it was the Chief Creative Officer and the Director who broke the news to us. At first I didn’t know what to think: did he leave for a greater opportunity or was there a family emergency, or what, but it was sad to hear this. I mean… that man built this team from nothing, and he really had a cool way of managing things. I will contact him later today to give him my best wishes.

Onward, both higher-ups had moved the illustrators, myself and my coworker Makayla, to the Design Team. Along with rearranging furniture around so that both teams can be in the same room and sync well, and using the marketing team’s old office as a lounge/meeting room for clients and workers, both the director and officer felt this is was the most efficient way to move things forward and so everyone can get the most use out of their experience here. All this was official yesterday, Tuesday. By then, I was already working on concepts of tote bags (real, Photoshop concepts) for clients, and I’ve been LOVING it. This has honestly been on my mind to be apart of this for some time, so it was great the director really saw the value of my concept and illustration skills. During my short time on this team, I’ve had plenty of fun familiarizing myself with good photo editing techniques and Photoshop itself, and I’m glad to have two mentor, who are the generals of this team, show me the ropes so I could make the best bags possible.

I say to myself “Despite that this is an unpaid internship, It feels more like fun than work, I easily get along with my coworkers, and I’m getting plenty of experience, especially now that I’m working on things for REAL clients.” Nonetheless, it’s unpaid. Still, I’m getting the most out of Sacatelle that I can, and while I have recently started sending out applications for paid jobs, I don’t mind sticking around.
Here are some samples I’ve made for my current client, Dammit! Dolls, who make durable stress-relief items. As requested, it is a polypropylene bag concept, and they wanted mostly to have fun with the placement of the logo and emblem.

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