Women’s History Month: Finally! Digital Painting!

Okay, This next one’s going to be GOOD! So, much has been happening at the Sacatelle studio. So much that I almost completely forgot that March is Women’s History Month, a time of the year celebrating some of our greatest female pioneers that paved the way for equality and women everywhere. Personally, I draw a lot of women. Top reason why is because to me, they’re much more interesting and creative to me, in terms of appearance and design. I’m highly skilled in drawing anatomy and digital painting, but there are still things I could improve on. Anyway, the supervisor threw this idea to me:

A recreation of the world famous “We Can Do It” Poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 to boost worker morale. The idea was to make “Rosie the Riveter” hold a bag in some way that shows “Power to women… with a bag!”
Here were the first sketches:

I felt the third was the strongest, especially it was the closest to the original poster. Supervisor agreed it was strong, and perhaps strongest, but he wanted the second. I loved the second as well, but I stand by my opinion. Anyway, here is the final product! I really love how it came out! So did the staff. It’s already posted on out Instagram!
“I’m a woman! What’s your superpower?”
Caption by Ikey, Chief Creative Officer.


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