Duggal Trip

On our second trip we went to Duggal printing. For a student who has to print alot of papers for school i never really gave a thought on how the quality of the paper matters. At Duggal every piece of paper has its on purpose. Duggal is located at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and from the outside it doesn’t really got that big that is until you see the inside. I would of never guessed that it was so big inside. Duggal prints various different types of ads from posters to billboards. And they work with many different companies for example Apple and even Hollister.

They have a room that focuses just on the lighting for all of the products that they make. Lighting is very important in the printing process because not everyone sees the same colors of a product. What may look orange to you may look red to someone else. But under the same lighting the color can get as close enough so that everyone sees the same color. For example the lights in a clothing store like Hollister and or backlights in the stores for Apple.

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