Information Regarding Materials
Required Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, by Boyce & DiPrima 10
Grading Information
Grade Weights:
- Final Exam 20%
- First Half Tests and Exam 30%
- First Half Homework 10%
- Second Half Tests and Exam 30%
- Second Half Homework 10%
Tests and Exams
There will be 6 tests, two cumulative exams and one final. Each half of the semester will have 3 tests and one exam.
The exam will count twice, which means that each half of the semester has a total of five test grades. The two lowest
score out of these five (counting the cumulative exam twice) will be dropped. The average of the remaining three
grades will constitute the Tests and Exam grade for that half of the semester.
Homework/ Classwork
On days when homework is due, a homework grade will be assigned to each student. That grade will be an integer
between zero and two. Each half of the semester has 5 days without tests or exams. The lowest day will be dropped
for each half of the semester. The remaining total of points will be graded out of 16.