Notes, ideas, leads

Orenstein, “Our Puppets Ourselves” Mime Journal

Check Aronson edited books re: scenography and puppetry

Schikaneder’s productions and love of special effects and costume (see image of Sch playing Papagano).

Puppets: the Flute, the image of Pamina, bird in cage, serpent, bells.

Teaching an ape to sing… (???)

Human/machine tension — humanness of objects and machine-like humans (in context of Enlightenment and principles of comic opera/drama). Bergson theory on comedy.

Human perfection and the Uber-Marionette (Craig)?

Sofia Pantouvaki, “Children’s opera Brundibar in Thereseinstadt (1943-44) and the power of scenographic metaphors,” THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE DESIGN 2018, VOL. 4, NO. 3, 173-203.


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