Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Syllabus Statement

The Diversity and Inclusion in the Curriculum and Education Subcommittee (DICE) centers the recognition of the intellectual value of diversity and inclusion. DICE’s role is to develop resources that encourage the incorporation of diversity and inclusion in the curriculum and in the college’s overall educational practices.

The following resources may be useful for faculty as they review existing courses or develop new courses to ensure that the course content and their pedagogy is inclusive of diverse perspectives.

This is a working document. Please check back frequently and comment or email us ( if you have anything to add! We welcome your insights, critiques, and suggestions!

Educational institutions and classes all over the country include syllabus statements to promote an inclusive classroom environment and a successful educational experience for all students. The Diversity and Inclusion in the Curriculum and Education Subcommittee (DICE) encourages City Tech faculty members to include a syllabus statement along with an Accessibility Statement.

You may wish to use all or part of the following statement. As an alternative, you may wish to write your own statement or include a statement from another source. Links to syllabus statements from other institutions are included below.

Diversity and Inclusive Education Syllabus Statement

This course welcomes students from all backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. In accordance with the City Tech and CUNY missions, this course intends to provide an atmosphere of inclusion, respect, and the mutual appreciation of differences so that together we can create an environment in which all students can flourish. It is the instructor’s goal to provide materials and activities that are welcoming and accommodating of diversity in all of its forms, including race, gender identity and presentation, ethnicity, national origin, religion, cultural identity, socioeconomic background, sexuality and sexual orientation, ability, neurodivergence, age, and etc. Your instructor is committed to equity and actively seeks ways to challenge institutional racism, sexism, ableism and other forms of prejudice. Your input is encouraged and appreciated. If a dynamic that you observe or experience in the course concerns you, you may respectfully inform your instructor without fear of how your concerns will affect your grade.  Let your instructor know how to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally, or for other students or student groups. We acknowledge that NYCCT is located on the traditional homelands of the Canarsie and Lenape peoples.

Links to Sample Statements and Guides from Other Educational Institutions

Carnegie Mellon University – Diversity Statement on a Syllabus

Brown University – Diversity and Inclusion Syllabus Statements

Yale University – Diversity Statements

Cal Poly – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Syllabus Statements

Stanford University – ‘Diversity and Inclusion – Put It in the Syllabus!’ (STEM Specific)

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