About Me

Destiny Gilmore lives in Brooklyn where the trees produce a lot of pollen. She is a senior obtaining her baccalaureate degree at New York city tech college of technology. While obtains her bachelors degree she received an internship at Ann Taylor factory where she was able to meet new people and establish new relationship. Her goal is to be a trend forecasting, she will have to predict the next color and clothing for next years  Fashion. Attending City Tech College Destiny learned additional skills like time management, organization and life balancing to prepare for the future.

 Destiny Gilmore is a Fashion Marketing and Business and Technology major.  Viewing Destiny’s e Portfolio will give insight on her passion for the fashion industry and all the work she acquired while obtaining her baccalaureate degree in business and technology. She wants to work in the fashion industries for jobs such as visual merchandising, fashion forecasting and fashion show. While attending New York City tech she was able to acquire skills to better her chances for jobs in Fashion. Courses taken to increase her job chances were trend forecasting, product development, entrepreneurship, gender dress and society and visual merchandising. While working on projects for these courses some projects were teamwork based projects and some one would completed alone. These courses provide insight on how to work alone and how to work with others. A senior obtaining her baccalaureate degree she’s able to work two jobs and take on an internship with Ann Taylor factory, her educational experiences for New York City Tech gives Destiny the ability she to apply all the knowledge she has learned  from classes to her internship