For this assignment, We had to listen to a podcast from RadioLab and write about what we found so interesting on how we perceive color.

I have to say this was a pretty entertaining podcast. I learned quite a lot of interesting facts on how the world sees color. And it was all thanks to Issac Newton where he got himself a prism poked a hole to find out a rainbow is being created by light. He then got himself another prism to see what would happen to blue, but nothing happened; it stayed blue. Newton inferred that the prism is diving light into its constituent parts. Light is a psychical thing. Some interesting facts that I found so fascinating have to be that animals don’t see color the same way we do. All animals see color differently, like dogs only have two cones and can only see blue and yellow. Sparrows have ultraviolet vision and have a more red-sensitive receptor. Now Butterflies have around 5/6 color receptors which is so insane because compared to us, we only have 3, which means that butterflies can see color better. The one that had me in shock had to be the mantis shrimp, where they have 16 cone receptors meaning they see a lot of colors. It’s fascinating that a tiny creature under the sea has the most color perception. Overall I enjoyed listening to the podcast; it is interesting to know that not everyone in the world sees color the same way we do.

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